Category Archives: Uncategorised

Post Office

The nursery boys and girls have developed their literacy area into a post office. They wrote letters to their family and posted them at the local post office.


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A few words from Primary 3/4

We can’t believe we are nearly at the end of the school year. We have been reflecting on our year in primary 3/4..

What a year it has been and I have loved every minute of it! 🙂

Please see what the boys and girls of primary 3/4 have to say in the ‘replies…’

Learning Superstars

Look how busy our learning superstar wall is! We have had so many children doing lots of fantastic jobs over the last month from; staying in their own bed all night to making their own breakfast and tidying up their toys. Well done everyone!



Dance Mania

Our Dance Mania team were phenomenal tonight at Cumbernauld Academy. Out of 18 schools who performed over two different nights we won runner up. This means that we have qualified for the final that takes place at Airdrie Town Hall on Tuesday 26th April. Well done girls. I am so proud of you all.