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Comparing Stories

For the past two weeks P5 have been reading a non-fiction book called Hercules and Other Greek Legends. We found out lots of interesting facts from this book. We are not quite sure if we believe the stories 100% because there are some strange monsters in the stories.


On Friday we read another story called Theseus and the Minotaur. We compared this story to the Hercules story. Here are some of the similarities we found:

-They both defeated a monster.

– There were wars in both stories.

– Both stories had evil kings.

– Both main characters were men.

– They both used swords.

– Both main characters were heroes.

– Both characters are strong and brave.


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Merry Christmas

So what can we say. An elf came to stay with us in Primary 4 bringing sweets, fun and mess all the way from the North Pole. He came to see if all the fuss about Primary 4 was true! If Primary 4 were really the best and a class full of good boys and girls. He has reported to Santa and we think he will be happy! Happier than Mr. Paterson and Mrs. Fazzi every time the elf had made a mess! He leaves us tonight to return to the North Pole for the final time to speak to Santa. We will miss Elf and wish him a Merry Christmas and say a massive thank you  to him for being part of our class these last couple of weeks.

Mrs. Fazzi and I would like to wish all the boys and girls and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing everyone return refreshed and ready to learn.


December has been a busy month, we have had so many superstars!!


Matthew walked safely to the hospital, he waited at the side of the road before crossing.

Bobby looks both ways when crossing the road.

Rosie holds her Mummy’s hand when crossing the road.

Chloe is doing super walking holding Tricia’s hand.

Oliver puts his seatbelt on himself.

Rose walked very carefully on the gritted path so she didn’t slide on the ice.

Zac looks after his sister and keeps her safe on the walk to school.

Neve used scissors safely with mummy’s help.

Rhea looked both ways before crossing the road.

Xander told his Mummy that its not safe to put lego in your mouth.


Maia brushes her teeth every morning and night.

Thomas ate his breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Rory tried a tomato.

Alexander chose to have fruit with his breakfast.

Kayden ate all her breakfast and lunch.

Lucy Mc has been choosing lots of healthy snacks.

Daniel had haggis, neeps and tatties for his St Andrews day dinner.

Lewis made homemade soup.

Ethan tried pasta.

Charlie W ate all of his chicken dinner.

Lauren has been trying lots of different foods.


Georgia learned how to roller skate without holding her Mummy’s hand.

Lexi Mc has been practicing the nursery Christmas songs.

Austin slept in his own bed all night.

Olivia took part in a singing competition and won!

Greg built a castle using lego.

Caden helped his Mummy and Daddy put the Christmas decorations up.

Hope can write her own name.

Cooper has learnt how to use his inhaler all by himself.

Lucas can jump in and out of the swimming pool all by himself.

Abbie was really good at putting the Christmas decorations up.

Aaron slept in his own bed all night.

Holly woke up during the night to use the toilet.

Isla has been practicing her reading.

Alfie slept all night without his dummy.

Kieran put his own socks, trousers and t-shirt on.

Reia was very brave and took her medicine.

Alaina can now write Mummy, Daddy and Aiden all by herself.

Junior dressed himself for nursery.

Rebecca can write her full name and she has learned Twinkle Twinkle on the piano.

Cali was Mary in her church Nativity, she was fantastic.

Archie can zip his own coat.


Mason shared his grapes and chocolate coins with Mummy.

Maisie said she loves everyone in her family.

Sophie sang Happy Birthday to her big cousin Adam. He felt happy.


Amelia was great at her first gymnastics class.

Maia learned to do a forward roll.

Chloe was wonderful at her ballet dancing show.

Mason helped hoover his room.

Mikaylah is doing great at her swimming lessons. She can put her head under the water.


Eve went a big walk to Home Bargains with her Auntie Margaret.

Rosie visited her Gran’s cousin Beth’s pups, she was very gentle.

Ruby only has her dummy at night time.


Maia found Alexander’s library book.

Jessica put on her own clothes and zipped her jacket.

Connor tidied up all his toys.


Holly sang happy birthday to an 82 year old at the garden centre. she made their day.

Archie included his little sister at the stay and play day.

Oliver helped his Mummy and Brother put up the Christmas tree.