French Champions Leadership Academy

The French Champions Leadership Academy were busy today preparing for their French Cafe. We are looking forward to their parent/carer or relative coming along to visit on Thursday 24th of May at 2pm. I’ve attached some photographs of the French vocabulary we’ve been covering if anyone would like to revise at home.

Primary 3 Science – The Human Body

This week Primary 3 have been learning about our human bodies. We have been finding out about our skeleton, what it’s purpose is and naming the different bones we have. Today we learnt about the longest bones in our bodies which are in our arms and legs. We measured the humerus, ulna and radius bones in our arms and compared with our friends. We learned that our longest bone is

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P7 Shinty

P7 have been enjoying Shinty lessons from Mr Thomson of Uddingston Grammar. They have been comparing the rules between Shinty and Hockey.

Aitkenhead’s Book Day 2018

Today the boys and girls had a great day dressed up as their favourite character from a book for our rescheduled World Book Day. See if you can guess who they are!Some children even came in their pyjamas and brought their favourite bedtime story! The children in Primary 1 enjoyed having a story read to them by their Primary 7 buddy. Thank you also to the parents who came in

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