P2 Solo Talks

Primary 2 pupils have been preparing for delivering a short solo talk  to the class.  They were to interview someone in their family about the job they do and could bring props, photos or use PowerPoint.  Miss Lalmy and Mrs Matheson thought the talks were outstanding and everyone had clearly worked very hard.  It was fun to hear about the different types of jobs people do!  It has certainly helped

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Golden Time

This week our school introduced some changes to Golden Time. As normal the school was buzzing with excitement but this time a mixture of classes from P 1 to 7 went to different activities. After wonderful warm days unfortunately the rain poured down, so the gardening group and multi-sports were unable to go outside and last minute changes needed to be made.

P6 Outdoor Theatre

In pairs or trios some of the pupils in P6 wrote plays to create an alternative twist in the plot of ‘Why the Whales Came’. Over a couple of weeks they wrote different acts and included stage directions. This week was their chance to be directors and on Thursday had an hour to practise before their plays were performed to the class. It was a brilliant day and we were lucky

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P1 /6 Keep Fit Circuit

Primary 6 pupils were asked to create a fun fitness circuit which would help younger pupils to practise a range of activities. In small groups Primary 6 chose an activity and the equipment needed. We had a practise run, trying each others activities and then thinking of adaptations that might be necessary for Primary 1 pupils to be able to succeed. Back in class we wrote instructions describing how to

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