Family Fun Night – Quiz Answers

Here are the answers from the quiz at Family Fun Night.

How many did you get right?

General Knowledge

Question 1 –  Seven colours in the rainbow.

Question 2 – Fourteen classes in Lawmuir Primary School.

Question 3 – Camels have three eyelids.

Question 4 – Earthworms have five hearts.

Question 5 – A group of Pandas is called an Embarrassment.

Guess Who

Question 6 – Tom Cruise

Question 7 – Michelle Obama

Question 8 – Clint Eastwood

Question 9 – Coleen & Wayne Rooney

Question 10 – Hugh Jackman

Fun Facts

Question 11 – False. Mrs Osbourne is the tallest teacher in the school.

Question 12 – False. An average human looses between 40 – 100 hairs from their head each day.

Question 13 –   False. 10% of the world is left handed.

Question 14 –   False. Dartboards are made of horse hairs.

Question 15 –   False. Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms.




What a busy week!

Wow, what a week we’ve had!

Literacy Week

Our Literacy Week was a great success.  We’ve had writing workshops led by Mrs. Osborne, a storyteller for Primary 1-3, trips to the library for Primary 7, an author visit for Primary 4-7, a book swap, a read-a-thon, a book quiz, the chance to come to school dressed as a book character and today’s assembly included reading the book “Dear Zoo”, IN FRENCH!  In addition to all of this classes have been taking part in extra Literacy based work throughout the week.  We hope that all these activities have sparked some extra enthusiasm for Literacy and that the children have been inspired to pick up a book or write one themselves!

Child Smile

On Thursday children in Primary 1-4 had fluoride varnish applied to their teeth in order to keep them in tip top condition.


Our Primary 5s continued their swimming lessons at the Sir Matt Busby Centre.

Parents’ Evening

As I’ve already posted, we were delighted at the amount of parents who came to the school to discuss their child’s progress with their teacher.

Bring and Buy Sale and Soak the 7s

Today our Primary 7s ran their Bring and Buy Sale and got completely soaked all in order to raise money for their leavers’ event in June.  The appeared to have a great time and have managed to raise over £200.  Well done to you all the Primary 7s, Mrs. Minchella and Mrs. Shaw.

Charity work

Today we posted two cheques to very worthwhile charities.  We have raised £384 for Guide Dogs for the Blind by selling chocolate eggs in knitted chicks and £298.45 for Comic Relief by selling red noses and making our faces funny for money.  A huge thank you to everyone who contributed.

We’ll post photos of all the events as we collect in the cameras.  Thanks to all the pupils, parents and staff who have made this such a wonderful week.

Next Week

Next week is a much quieter week with children continuing their usual work in their classes.  Please remember that we stop for the Spring holiday at 2.30pm on Thursday 2nd April.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Watt


Great Parents’ Evening

Thank you very much to everyone who attended today’s Parents’ Evening.  It was lovely to see so many people taking such an interest in their child’s learning.  The questionnaires which many people completed show that most people are very happy with the service which Lawmuir is providing.  I will get more detailed results to you over the next few weeks.  I’d like to thank all the Teaching Staff for all their hard work, the Support Staff who volunteered to help out at the various stalls and the front desk and of course Mr Tomlinson who was, as usual, just fab!

If you weren’t able to come along today please contact your child’s teacher to arrange an alternative meeting.

Off to sort out my costume now, looking forward to seeing all the book characters in school tomorrow!

Mrs. Watt

Welcome to our new school website!

We are delighted to announce that our new website is open.

We consulted with pupils, parents and staff to find out how to improve our website.

If you want to know anything about our school this is the place to look. We will keep adding information so make sure you visit regularly.

Our web address hasn’t changed so you should still use

If you have any suggestions on how we can make our site even more impressive please let us know.

The Web MastersDSCF4063

Family Fun Night – A Huge Success!

Our fabulous Family Fun Night took place on Thursday 19th March. The event was a sell out and everyone who attended had a great time.

Activities included: The Generation Game, Bingo, Trivia Quiz, Shoot the Hoop, Balancing Act, Roll the Coin, Hook a Duck and even a super clown act to keep the kids entertained, Burger were on sale as well as tea, coffee and cakes. Everyone who came along thouroghly enjoyed themselves and helped raise money for Friends of Lawmuir funds.

Well Done Everyone!

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