Tag Archives: Dates

Welcome to a busy Term 4

I hope that everyone had a lovely Spring Holiday and that you were able to make the most of the good weather.  As I visited classes today the children were already hard at work and enjoying sharing their holiday stories with staff.


I’m delighted to be able to tell you that, so far, Literacy Week’s Read-a-thon has raised £689.70.  This is a terrific amount of money.  Thank you very much to everyone who contributed.

Dates for your diary

Below are a few dates for your diary.  More details for each event will be issued shortly and Class Information Booklets will be sent home later this week.  These will also be added to the “Getting Involved In Our School” section of this site so you can refer to them at any time.

Numeracy Day – Friday 1st May

During our Numeracy Day all classes will focus their work on aspects of Numeracy.  In the afternoon parents/carers and friends of the school are invited to visit classrooms in order to see the children demonstrating some of the Numeracy work which they do in school.  There will also be adult challenges and examples of how parents/carers can help their children at home.

Holiday – Monday 4th May
 In-service Day – Thursday 7th May

Health Week – Week beginning Monday 18th May

During this week all classes will take part in a variety of Health and Wellbeing related activities including sport taster sessions, cooking and internet safety lessons.

Holiday – Friday 22nd May and Monday 25th May
Sports Day – Thursday 21st May, weather permitting

Parents/carers are again invited to the school to support their child/children.

Primary 7 Prom – Monday 22nd June
Primary 7 Graduation – Wednesday 24th June (afternoon)

Parents of Primary 7 children are invited to join us as we say “Goodbye” to our Primary 7s.

School Closes – Thursday 25th June at 1pm

It’s going to be another busy term filled with lots of fun and a whole lot of learning!


Mrs. Watt