Hello everyone! First of all the children have settled well into Primary 4/5 adjusting well within their new class and have established new routines and relationships. As a class we are looking at developing a more sustainable classroom, school and hopefully influence some positive changes at home too. This is in line with the United Nations Global Goals which is something you will hear more of I’m sure. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me at the school or via our class Teams page if I can be of any assistance. I am looking forward to working alongside you this year as your child’s teacher.
Mrs Callaghan
Logins will be provided. As we are trying to be more sustainable in our classroom I will set homework via Teams each Tuesday. You can upload either a photograph of your child’s work. However, jotters will also be provided if you would prefer to hand in a physical copy. I would like to assign maths tasks via Sumdog however, if your child does not have access to a device at home please let me know and paper copies will be provided. New reading books will be given on a Tuesday and children should read this as often as possible at home along with any other texts they have available to them
Our Topic
Our topic for this term is ‘The Vikings’ where we will be looking at how history can present stereotypical views and how to distinguish between reliable and unreliable resources. We will be looking at their impact on the world both socially and economically as well as making comparisons to our lives today.
Mrs Hobbs will be in the class with the children on a Thursday afternoon and will be covering Health and Wellbeing, Science and P.E. Our P.E days will be a Tuesday and Thursday this year.
Literacy and Numeracy
As you will know we have started our reading groups last week as well as our new phonemes and spelling. Our writing focus will be on planning and
checking our writing. This term numeracy we will be looking at number focusing on estimating, rounding and addition and subtraction. Our non-number math topic will be measure. We will also focus on our times tables which I would encourage the children to practice as much as possible.