Well done to Primary 7 who recently won £200 to spend on outdoor learning equipment! A few months ago the class challenged themselves to create an outdoor learning logo using natural materials found in the school grounds. They took photographs of their creations and sent them away as part of a competition for all North Lanarkshire schools. Needless to say they were all very proud to learn their class submission had been chosen as the winner. Well done Primary 7!
Privilege Time Fun in P1 and P2/3
Primary 1 and Primary 2/3 tried some new things for Privilege Time last week. Some of us chose to make fruit faces with Miss Anderson, some were getting their hands messy by making Play-Doh with Miss Kelly and some were icing and decorating their own biscuits with Mrs Boyd! We can’t wait for this Friday’s fun!
Burns’ Day
Primary 3 and Primary 3/4 enjoyed a fun filled afternoon yesterday to celebrate Burns’ Day. We all got to try some haggis, shortbread and oatcakes and cheese. Some of us loved it so much we asked for more! We then had a Scottish sing-along to a variety of songs. Take a look at our pictures.
Well done to all of this weeks award winners!
Due to forecast worsening weather, Keir Hardie will close to pupil from 1.00pm today. Children may be collect from 12pm. School lunches will be provided for pupils at 11:30.
The nursery session for this afternoon is cancelled.
Award Winners
Congratulations to everyone who received at certificate this week.
P3/4 Christmas Enterprise – Reindeer Cottage
Post from 19.12.17
Primary 3/4 had a great time opening their business ‘Reindeer Cottage’ on Tuesday and Thursday of last week. We really enjoyed selling our products to our friends from different classes and we even sold some of our products to the staff in the school!! Mrs Barrie very kindly counted all of the money we made and we were over the moon to learn that we made £123 profit. We are going to think really hard what we would like to spend our money on.
Thank you to everyone who visited our business and bought our products.
The whole class received a certificate today at assembly to congratulate them of their fantastic effort, well done everyone!
It’s Snowing!
The school is open today and the pupils are having fun learning in the snow!
Do you want to build a snowman?
Some of the teachers set a challenge to see who could build the biggest snowman.
Celebrating Achievements
Today at assembly our first award winners of 201 were awarded with their certificates. Its wonderful to see so many people receiving these for showing good manners, being kind to others and working hard in class. Well done everyone!
We were also delighted to hear about the progress two of our pupils are making with their horse riding. Well done to our primary 1 pupil who won two 4th place awards in her very first show jumping competition!
Christmas Service
Thank you to everyone that attended our Christmas Service in Newarthill Parish Church. It was lovely to see so many family and friends. Our Primary 6 pupils were fantastic leading our service and all the pupils sang beautiful.
Reminder that the school closes at 2.30pm tomorrow.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
See you on Monday 8th January 2018!
Mrs Queen