Primary School Christmas Musical Pictures
Our Christmas Concert
On Thursday 12th December all pupils took to the stage for two sell out Christmas shows. The children performed their annual Christmas concert to a packed audience of proud parents and families. They were on the edge of their seats as they enjoyed a spectacular show with a lively script, thumping good tunes and impressive acting and dancing.
The first half saw children from primaries 2 to 7 perform a fun-packed ‘Primary School Christmas Musical’ before the Primary One’s ‘Our First Nativity’ took centre stage.
Primary School Christmas Musical took the audience on a humourous journey through everything and everyone involved in making a school production happen. Primary 7 pupils played a key role as the frantic teachers and nervous auditionees throughout the performance with all classes providing the musical accompaniment in spectacular fashion.
Angelic angles, three dazzling wise men and a donkey whole stole the show were just some of the highlights of the Primary One’s performance of “Our First Nativity”. The children wowed the audience with their fantastic singing and relished the opportunity to perform to their friends and family.
The school nursery also performed Our First Nativity to the nursery parents and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.
Kilbowie Photo Album
Here are a selection of photographs from the Primary 7’s recent visit to Kilbowie. Click on each picture to view a larger image.
Sports Day
We held our annual school Sports Day on Monday 10th June. All children from primary 1 – 7 were put into teams and competed in a range of activities from football dribble to egg and spoon. The favourite activity of the day was the space hopper race! The classes then competed in boys and girls sprint races. The primary 6 and 7 children completed a long distance marathon. The sun shone and great fun was had by all!
Primary 7 Kilbowie Visit
On Monday 20th May Primary 7 left the school heading towards Kilbowie Outdoor Centre in Oban. The children were full of excitement and anticipation as to what they ahead! They will have the opportunity to try many different outdoor activities such as sailing, rock climbing, gorge walking and many more.
Pictures to follow
Literacy Fortnight
Over the past two weeks all pupils in Keir Hardie Memorial Primary have participated in a whole school Literacy Fortnight. The aim of this was to raise standards in literacy and develop our pupil’s enthusiasm towards story writing. All children worked towards creating a book with the pupils taking on the role of author and illustrator. Each class based their book around their current class theme and this resulted in a diverse range of topics from Under the Sea to Fairytales, and The Hobbit to the Hunger Games.
Throughout the fortnight, all classes visited the local library in Newarthill. Some classes also participated in Storytelling Workshops carried out by a librarian from Motherwell library. Primary 4/5 went online and visited a website called ‘Author’s Live’ where they saw interviews and discussions with authors about how they write their book, their favourite being Michael Morpurgo.
At the end of literacy weeks we held a school assembly where the children shared their learning from the weeks and staff and pupils dressed up as a character from a book. We were treated to a spectacular range of costumes ranging from a shark, fairytale characters, Harry Potter and many more. Pupils were also given the opportunity to visit all the other classes to enjoy and appreciate each other’s work. It was a huge success and the children felt a great sense of achievement producing their own book.
Pupil Feedback
Kelsey Hulme (P5)
“Some pupils were very confident and shared their learning at a special assembly in front of the whole school. All children made a piece of writing which they were proud of, as this was a published piece of work. All the teachers got involved too by dressing up as characters, this added to the fun. I feel that this was a great success for the school and the pupils loved making their own books and dressing up. This shows that learning in literacy can be fun and enjoyable when you link it with other areas of the curriculum.”
Financial Education
Primary 4/5 enjoyed an educational visit from North Lanarkshire Trading Standards this week to deliver lesson from The MACA Project. Lynne McInally, Fair Trading Officer, and her colleagues delivered lessons on the history of money and pupils carried out activities relating to budgeting and counting of money. The visit was arranged to assist with the teaching of Financial Education and helped pupils to understand the value of money in a real life context. All pupils who participated were awarded with a certificate. The ICT voting system was popular with the children and used to assess their knowledge.
Pupils are pictured with Crawford Morgan , Head of Protective Service, and Lynne McInally, Fair Trading Officer.
Spring Fayre
The parent council organised a very successful Spring Fayre which was held on Saturday 23rd March and raised a total of £2039. All the money raised will be going towards school funds and the children will be consulted on how this money will be spent. Many thanks to all who supported this event!
Red Nose Day 2013
Keir Hardie had a crazy hair day and a non-uniform day where all pupils and staff donated £1 to Comic Relief. We raised £173.60.