Primary 3 Class Learning

Primary 3 have been learning about The Wild West. So far we have learned about Native Americans, The Alaskan Gold Rush and The Oregon Trail. We made origami canoes because Native Americans made wooden canoes for fishing. Our canoes were made out of paper and decorated with traditional Native American picture symbols. Unfortunately, the first batch of canoes we made became rather soggy and sank in the puddles when we tested them. We decided to make them again but this time we used strong card. On the next rainy day we sailed them in the playground puddles. Have a look at our photos to see what happened!

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Primary 3 and 4 Christmas Party

All of the boys and girls had a great time at their Christmas party on Monday. We played lots of party games and done dances like cha cha slide, gangnam style and whip whip nae nae! image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image

Primary 3 and 5 Christmas Concert Costumes 2015

Christmas is Forever Concert 2015

Primary 3 and Primary 5 Costumes

Our theme is Secret Agents and Bond Girls. The following costumes/accessories are optional. Please do not feel the need to go out and buy anything new! Just have a raid in the wardrobe; I’m sure there will be something suitable! Thanks.

Miss Rodman and Miss Scott.

Boys (Secret Agents)

-Shirt, tie, trousers, bow tie, dark sunglasses etc.

Girls (Bond Girls)

-Fancy clothes, dress, jewellery, shoes etc.


You may also want to add some ‘Christmas Bling’ to your outfit and this is absolutely fine!

(E.g. Santa hats, reindeer antlers, tinsel etc.)

Primary 3 and 5 Christmas Concert Costumes- Update

Christmas is Forever Concert 2015

Primary 3 and Primary 5 Costumes

Friday 4th December is a dress rehearsal for the Christmas concert. Please bring your costume to school before this date if you can. Put it in a carrier bag with your name on it.

Your costume can stay in school until Monday 7th December. You will need it for our rehearsal in Brannock High School on this day. You can take your costume home afterwards.

You should come to Brannock High School at 6pm on the evening of the concert wearing your costume. Please bring your costume back to school the following day to wear at the OAP concert.

Thank you,

Miss Rodman and Miss Scott.

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