Consultation on Transport Provison – Pupil Voice

Consultation on proposals to increase the qualification for entitlement to free mainstream school transport”.


As part of the ongoing Transport Consultation exercise, Education, Youth & Communities are carrying out engagement activities with those children and young people who currently receive free school transport.


Your son or daughter has the opportunity to complete a brief online survey on the proposals. Depending on their age, it will be the case that some may require your help or their teachers’ help to do this.


The survey can be found at the following address:

Please complete before Friday 15th December

Consultation on Transport Provision

North Lanarkshire Council’s Education Committee, at its meeting on 7 November 2017, agreed to consult on a proposal to increase the qualification for entitlement to free school transport for primary school pupils from more than 1 mile from their residence to their catchment school to more than 2 miles from their residence to their catchment school.

The consultation period opened on Monday 13 November 2017, with links to the consultation pack available from then on the consultation web page at You and any other relevant consultees will receive a paper copy of the pack in the first week of the consultation.

Please note that responses are invited from any interested parties by e-mailing or by completing and returning the consultation response form (Appendix E) of the consultation document.


Parent Questionnaire – Homework

Thank you to those who have completed the home learning questionnaire. We have had 41 responses so far.


The questionnaire will remain open until Friday 1st December.


If you haven’t already completed the questionnaire please click on the link below.


Thanks for your continued support.


Mrs Queen

Parent Questionnaire – Homework

We would like your feedback on homework. Please click on the image below to complete a short questionnaire. This is part of the homework tasks for pupils this week. A paper copy is available on request.








Thanks for your continued support


Mrs Queen

Children in Need




We are having a dress down day on Friday to support Children in Need.

£1 donation and children can wear their own clothes.

Please remember no football colours.



Anti-Bullying Week

There is an Anti-bullying focus this week at school. This year’s theme is ‘All Different, All Equal’. Celebrating our differences is important and we should ensure that everyone is treated with respect as we are all equal.  The Primary 6 pupils will be leading our assembly on Wednesday morning. Parents of the P6 class are welcome to join us.

There will also anti-bullying workshops for all children on Thursday and Friday.

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