Welcome Back

It is lovely to see all of the pupils back at school and we are looking forward to a great year. Over the next few weeks the class teachers will set up and start using the class blogs so you can see what is happening in the school.

The first newsletter of the session will be in bags today.

A copy is also available if you click the link below.

newsletter aug 18

If you have provided the school with an email address you will receive an electronic copy.

Physical Active Health Programme


Dear Parent/Guardian

As part of the Scottish Attainment Challenge your child’s school is one of many schools receiving access to a Physical Active Health programme called Better Movers and Thinkers (BMT). This approach aims to improve thinking and memory skills and is delivered during PE lessons.

Could you please complete the following questionnaire by clicking on the link below.




Mrs Queen


Primary 1 Inductions

Thank you to all of the pupils and parents who attended the two induction days. It has been great to work with you all during our workshops and we are looking forward to seeing you in August.

Please complete the short survey by using the QR code or clicking on the link. we’ve had 8 parents who managed to access the QR code at the session.

Here are the results from the exit poll. 31 responses and all were happy!

Please complete the short survey below, remember to click submit at the bottom.



Mrs Queen



Parent Council Quiz Night

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Thank you to all who attended our first Quiz Night. We had a great turn out with 13 teams. Some very creative teams who came up with fantastic names.

The winner of the best team name was Christopher Watson and his family who were Keir Hope The Questions Aren’t Too Hardie.

There were 6 rounds and the scores were tight through the competition. However, by the end of the quiz we had a clear winner.

In joint third Place – Hayley Tucker & The Still Gamers

2nd Place – KHYT – the teachers who joined us last night

and in 1st place Keir Hardie School of Quizcraft & Quizadry.

Well done to all of our teams.

Thanks to Mrs Cosgrove for making our fantastic family night in hamper.



We’re on Twitter!

We asked if you would use twitter for updates and info from the school.

90 returns were made and 62 families said YES!

Follow us on twitter:


This is for news, updates and information regarding events.

Continue to visit our blog



We will organise a drop in session for any parent who would like help setting up an account after the May holiday.


Let’s see how many followers we can get!




Mrs Queen

Click on the link to see a PDF copy of the letter that went home.


Dancing at lunch time

The pupil asked for a speaker so they could have music outside at playtime and lunch time.

We purchased two before the Easter holidays and now that the sun is shining we are able to use them.

The pupils had a great time dancing in the sun.

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PE with Mr Forster

Click on the link below. Apologies, it won’t let me turn the video!


Primary 6 class learning jumping sequence combined with sequential thinking and problem solving. Well done girls!

Week beginning 26th March

Below is a copy of the letter which will be issued on Monday

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you to all who came to our Parents’ Night on Thursday. It was lovely to see so many of our families and share your child’s learning with you.


I am still collating the responses from the questionnaire and hope to have a summary out to parents by the end of the week.


One area that was raised by a few parents was communication. This is something we can work on and already have a few plans in place to try to improve this.


Thanks to those who answer the quick questions regarding the new layout. 69 families responded give us an average of 4.7 stars out of 5.


The new layout to Parents’ Night was received well. Most comments were positive but again we will look at the few concerns some parents had in order to improve this.


Our Easter Service is on Tuesday at 11am in Newarthill Parish Church. We have pupils from all stages leading parts of the service. We hope you can join us.


We have planned a treat day with a range of activities for the pupils on Thursday.


Reminder that school closes at 2.30pm on Thursday for the Easter Break.


We would like to wish all our families a wonderful Easter.


School returns on Monday 16th April.


Thank you


Mrs Queen

Parents’ Night

If you were unable to access the QR code at Parents’ Night please complete the short questionnaire here.





Mrs Queen

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