The Primary 7’s are on their way back from Kilbowie and are on track for arriving at the school for around 2pm.
Primary 7 trip to Kilbowie
Keep up to date with all the exciting adventures of Primary 7’s trip to Kilbowie on their blog. The link can be found below. The teachers will be uploading photos as often as they can, the signal at Kilbowie can often be a bit temperamental so please bear with us if it takes a little bit longer sometimes. Please feel free to leave comments on the posts too!
Primary Games
We all had a great day today at the Primary Games held at Ravenscraig. We got to try out lots of different sports such as football, handball, rugby, athletics, netball, badminton, badminton, dodgeball, dance and fitness. All of the children were an absolute credit to the school and represented us well. Well done boys and girls!
Mrs Greer has made the decision that instead of homework being due tomorrow (Friday 3rd June) it can now all be handed in next Friday (10th June). We feel that time spent outside with friends and family is just as beneficial to learning, so please enjoy this extra time together while we still have some glorious sunshine!
End of year Celebrations
Our end of year celebrations are being held on Wednesday 22nd June. P1-3 pupils will be held from 9.30-10.15 with tea and coffee served afterwards. P 4- 7 will be held from 10.30- 11.15 with tea and coffee served beforehand. If you wish to attend please complete the slip on the yellow newsletter handed out to children.
Nursery graduation will be held on Friday 24th June at 10.45am.
There will be a meeting for Primary 6 parents on Monday 6th June at 6.30pm. Kilbowie next session is very early – Monday 5th September – Friday 9th September. We are going with two other schools from our cluster next year.
Friday 24th June is the last day that money can be put on cards. We can let you know how much money your child has on their card if you are unsure. Remember to include money for breakfast club or snack if your child uses these.
Report Cards
Report cards are due to go out to the whole school on Friday 17th June. If there are any technical problems the reports will be sent out week beginning 20th June.
School Trips
Most school trips have now been booked and letters given to the children. Please return these to the school along with payment at your earliest convenience. Remember to let us know if your child needs a free school meal ordered for those that are entitled to them. The children are all looking forward to their trips, stay tuned for some picture updates of all their adventures!
Primary 4 – Science
Primary 4 have been learning about the human body as part of their science topics this term. They have been learning about bones and how they make up the skeleton.
The skeleton keeps us from flopping around like jelly. Elysa
Our skeleton keeps our organs safe. Elise
When picking up a glass you use 60 bones in your arms and hands. Danielle
The ear bone is the smallest bone in the body. Lexi
When you are a baby you have 300 bones in your body. Finlay C
Your knee is the biggest bone in your body. Reanna
Your spine has 33 bones in it. Ryan
Your bones get stronger when you drink milk. Hayley
Your bones need calcium. Aidan