A New Year!

Topic: Primary 5 really enjoyed learning all about Buddhism in term 2 and we have now moved onto a new topic: Scotland. So far we have been learning all about clans and their crest/motto. We have also been learning about traditional Scottish food and all of the different tartans. We are currently creating our own group tartans in order to make bagpipes which will be displayed on our Scotland wall display directly outside our classroom. As part of this topic we have been learning about the Highland Games through our PE block every Thursday. I’m sure the children would be more than happy to tell you all about it.


Numeracy & Mathematics: we have recently moved onto a new topic in maths – Fractions. The children are enjoying all of the fun activities and different ways of learning about fractions. We are also reciting our times tables through song, this has been a great success and we are now much more confident in this area.


Science: We are currently learning all about the human body, So far we are able to name most of the important bones in the skeleton and just last week we learned all about the human organs! We are in the process of making life sized diagrams of the human body which has been lots & lots of fun. These diagrams will be displayed in class when complete. We are all looking forward to seeing the finished product.



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