Football Coaching

Primary 2 and Primary 2/3 were lucky to receive a block of football coaching from North Lanarkshire Football Coaches, thanks to funding from Tesco Bank.  The children enjoyed working with Nicky and developed skills in working as a team, dribbling, ball control and especially enjoyed learning new football tricks.

Have a look through our pictures.  You may see some of these young players at Fir Park in the future.

Eco Week – Primary 2

eco primary 2

Primary 2 have been very busy during the Eco – Fortnight.

They have been reusing materials from the school grounds and building new items.  Mrs Barrie and Mrs McCall were delighted to receive new broomsticks, just in time for Halloween, made by reusing materials found in the gardens.

They enjoyed inviting parents into the school to see how they learn and also to help with sone of the tricky tasks.

Scottish Assembly

On Friday 24th January we held a Scottish assembly to celebrate Robert Burns Day.  All classes performed a variety of scottish songs, poems and dancing to a packed audience of parents and grandparents.  Many classes also held a Burns’ Supper with children sampling haggis, neeps and tatties.

Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday 13th December  staff and pupils  helped to raise money for several children’s charities by wearing a Christmas jumper to school.  We raised over £170 by collecting donations of £1 that will be shared between Save The Children, Robyn’s House and Utange Orphans, Kenya .  Christmas jumper day was a brilliant opportunity for our school to have some end of term festive fun while raising money to help children at this time of year.

End Of Term Treat

As a reward for excellent behavior throughout term 2 the children of Keir Hardie Memorial were treated to a visit from Fuzzy and Britta’s Circus School.  The day started with a show for the whole school, moving onto all the pupils participating in small workshops where they were given the opportunity to learn a range of skills such as plate spinning, juggling, stilt walking and many more. It was a fantastic day that was thoroughly enjoyed by all.  Some quotes from the children:

Jordan (P7) – It was really good. I especially liked the workshops as you could choose what activities you wanted to do and there was lots of different things to try.

Chloe (P5) – It was hilarious because they told funny jokes and tricks.

Nevadah (P5)-  It was a bit scary when Miss Burbage nearly got her ahnd cut off, it looked sooo real!  I really enjoyed it.

Heather (P3) –  My favourite part was when Fuzzy jumped over miss Miller on the mini bike, it was really funny!

Our Christmas Concert

On Thursday 12th December all pupils took to the stage for two sell out Christmas shows.   The children performed their annual Christmas concert to a packed audience of proud parents and families.  They were on the edge of their seats as they enjoyed a spectacular show with a lively script, thumping good tunes and impressive acting and dancing.

The first half saw children from primaries 2 to 7 perform a fun-packed ‘Primary School Christmas Musical’ before the Primary One’s ‘Our First Nativity’ took centre stage.

Primary School Christmas Musical took the audience on a humourous journey through everything and everyone involved in making a school production happen. Primary 7 pupils played a key role as the frantic teachers and nervous auditionees throughout the performance with all classes providing the musical accompaniment in spectacular fashion.

Angelic angles, three dazzling wise men and a donkey whole stole the show were just some of the highlights of the Primary One’s performance of  “Our First Nativity”.  The children wowed the audience with their fantastic singing and relished the opportunity to perform to their friends and family.

The school nursery also performed Our First Nativity to the nursery parents and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.

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