Hello Parents/Guardians,
First of all I hope you all had a relaxing summer break. I am so impressed by how well the children have settled into P5 . This newsletter will provide you with key information about our class and their learning. If you any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by email: nlmarshallr@northlan.org.uk
Miss Marshall
Maths and Numeracy
Within numeracy, we are working hard on developing our accuracy & recall with our basic number knowledge using the four operations. Through our Number Talks sessions we are exploring a range of different strategies we can use to help us.
So far this term, we have been consolidating our learning of the six comprehension strategies through a media study. We have really enjoyed using “Zootropolis” as our context for learning and we are growing in confidence every-day when answering different types of questions. Also, we are focusing on developing our handwriting skills as well as always proof reading our work. Finally, in class we are very lucky to have Mrs Robertson working with us on a Monday & Tuesday morning.
Cross – Curricular Learning
This term, we have chosen to learn all about the infamous Titanic. Through our topic we will be learning to use different sources to gather information, as well as practising our research skills. We are looking forward to developing our ICT skills. So far, we have explored when and where the Titanic built and we have explored the Titanic’s route on a map. Also, we have been learning all about our Rights! We have investigated what the UNCRC is as well as learning all about Article 2— No Discrimination. Through our learning we will also be learning about The Global Goals and linking these to all areas of our learning.
School starts @ 8.50am and finish @ 2.50pm. PE Days are Monday and Friday. Pupils can wear a school polo shirt and grey / black tracksuit bottoms or leggings on this day. Pupils are allowed to have a drink of water during the day. Flavoured juice can be used at interval and lunch but please only include water in bottles for during class time. Thank you.
Friday’s with Miss Mitchell
We are very lucky to have Miss Mitchell in our class every Friday. Miss Mitchell
will be focusing on basic number skills (x and ÷) within Maths. For Science, we
will be learning all about the Earth’s structure. Our P.E focus on Friday is gymnastics. We are excited to develop our balance, jumping and rotation skills.