Primary 2


I would like to welcome Primary 2 back after the summer holidays and look forward to all of the learning opportunities that we will take part in. The children have settled in so well and have enjoyed catching up with their friends. I have enjoyed getting to know the children over the last few weeks and it was great to see so many of you at the ‘Meet the Teacher’ event.

Miss Baillie

Our Learning

We have enjoyed being back at school and doing lots of different activities to help us settle in to Primary 2. The children enjoyed taking part in some team building tasks and I was so impressed with how well they helped each other. This was part of our discussion as we made our Class Charter. This is made with the children to identify what we want to see in our class for example: sharing, being kind and including each other. We have also been revisiting our school rules of Ready, Respectful and Safe and the children have been super at giving examples of what these look like. You may also hear the children talking about Mrs Reid. She will be taking the class on a Wednesday morning and will be supporting us with our learning on a Friday. We are enjoying getting to know her!

PE Days

Primary 2 will have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays. Children should come dressed in their PE kits. This should be black leggings/shorts/jogging bottoms with a school polo shirt. Trainers should also be worn on these days.

Water Bottles and Toys

Children will only be permitted to drink water from their bottles during class time. Juice will only be allowed at playtimes and lunchtimes.

Please could I ask that children refrain from bringing toys to school. This is to stop them losing their items or mixing them up with other children’s belongings.

Pupil Voice

“I liked when we played the school rule game. One our rules is Respectful and holding the door open for someone is respectful.”

“Being kind is in our class charter. You can be kind to someone by sharing with them.”

“I in SHANARRI is for Included. You can ask people to join in your games.”

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