As a reward for excellent behavior throughout term 2 the children of Keir Hardie Memorial were treated to a visit from Fuzzy and Britta’s Circus School. The day started with a show for the whole school, moving onto all the pupils participating in small workshops where they were given the opportunity to learn a range of skills such as plate spinning, juggling, stilt walking and many more. It was a fantastic day that was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Some quotes from the children:
Jordan (P7) – It was really good. I especially liked the workshops as you could choose what activities you wanted to do and there was lots of different things to try.
Chloe (P5) – It was hilarious because they told funny jokes and tricks.
Nevadah (P5)- It was a bit scary when Miss Burbage nearly got her ahnd cut off, it looked sooo real! I really enjoyed it.
Heather (P3) – My favourite part was when Fuzzy jumped over miss Miller on the mini bike, it was really funny!