Keir Hardie Memorial Primary recently held a Financial Education Week. The aim of this was to develop our children’s understanding of the value of money and provide them with opportunities to develop problem-solving skills and life skills, and to do this in a creative and enjoyable way.
Throughout Financial Education week the school welcomed representatives from Airdrie Savings Bank, St Andrews Hospice and Adsa to raise awareness of money in real life.
Classes used this themed week as a context to develop learning across all areas of the curriculum. Purposeful play areas were set up throughout the school, including a shop, a cafe and a bank. The children had plentiful opportunities to develop their knowledge of money within real-life situations. It was very enjoyable and worthwhile experience for all, which the school hope to develop further.
Financial Education Week helped to promote financial capability in all our children, which is an essential life skill and hopefully this will equip them with the skills to make good financial choices throughout their lives.