Category: Old National 5

National 5 – Information System Design and Development (Revision)

The following concepts and vocabulary may apply to a range of information systems types and contexts including:

Databases, websites, games, mobile applications, kiosk systems

A supporting video playlist can be found on YouTube.


Structures and links (database)

  • Database structure: field, record, file
  • Database structure: flat file, linked tables, primary keys, foreign keys
  • Field types (text, numbers, date, time, graphic, object, calculated, link, boolean)
  • Validation (presence check, restricted choice, field length, range)
  • Database operations search, sort (on multiple fields)
  • Good design to avoid data duplication and modification errors (insert, delete, update)

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N5 – Revision Booklet

Here are the notes that we handed out last week

You will need to find the answers for the question papers online.

To use this resource

  1. Print out the revision pack.
  2. Look at the summary pages and mark off areas you are confident in.
  3. Fill in the calendar pages with revision topics you are not confident in.
  4. The revision notes in the pack are very brief, so use the book or BBC bitesize to help you study.
  5. Use the question papers to test you knowledge, if you can not do a question then use the notes to help you before going to the book or bitesize.

If you have any questions then please ask!

HTML – Lists

A HTML list is composed of two types of tag

List Type

This tag tells the browser what type of list we will be displaying. the two main types are

Unordered List <ul></ul>, this list displays bullet point. It is used when you do not want to give a ranking to the list items.

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Ordererd List<ol></ol>, this list is numbered. This is used when you want to give a ranking to the pages.

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

List Item

The list type must be placed around the List Item <li></li>, the browser will then display the items with the format specified from the list type.

Unordered List example

<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>

Ordered List example

<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>

Low-level operations and computer architecture

  • Units of storage: bit, byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte, Petabyte
  • Translation of high-level program code to binary (machine code): interpreters and compilers
  • Use of binary to represent and store:
    • Integers
    • Real numbers (mantissa & exponent)
    • Characters
    • Instructions (machine code)
    • Graphics (bit-mapped and vector)
  • Basic computer architecture:
    • Processor( registers, ALU, control unit)
    • Memory
    • Buses (data and address)
    • Interfaces

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