Category: Broad General Education

BGE – Media Type (Audio)

soundIn class today we used Audacity to explore how sound is stored inside a computer.

The sound wave energy is converted into electricity by the microphone, which is in turn converted to binary by the sound card.

We used Audacity to capture our voices then apply digital effects to them to change the sound.

You can use specialised websites and software such as , to create purely digital noises. These can then be saved and used inside other programs such as games.

Higher – Responsive web design in PagePlus X8

Not everyone uses a desktop computer to view web pages. A significant proportion of the population now uses mobile devices to view websites. This means that designers have to use a website design that can respond to these devices by changing page size, position of elements, etc. Normally this would be done with CSS scripting however the process is slightly different in WebPlus.

3G JPEG Investigation

Today the class carried out an investigation into the JPEG image compression technique.  The pupils were tasked with finding out.

  • Why we use JPEG compression on images?
  • How does JPEG compression work?
  • What is JPEG good at?
  • What is JPEG bad at?
  • When would we use JPEG compression?

The Pupils had to report on a powerpoint slide and include an example of a good and bad use of JPEG.

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