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Homework for 6th March
SQA Past Paper 2007 Section 1
I nice little article that bring in SVG and HTML 5. By the time we use this in the multimedia unit Adobe’s plans to drop flash in favour of HTML 5, should be bearing fruit.
PS I wrote this in November
Computer Systems – Assessment Task
- Download the image above.
- Convert it to a GIF and JPG and save these in separate appropriately named folders on your network area.
- Compare the file sizes of each with evidence.
- The evidence should be a single page word document with screen grabs of the folders and files with the full path name showing as well as the size of the files. Print this out and give it to me.
- Zip the entire thing up and post it in the drop box with your name as the file name.
Scholar Reports
Well I have been looking at the scholar reports for the last term and it is quite an eye opener.
You can expect me to discuss your use of Scholar during Tuesday’s lesson.
Departmental Area
OK here is are the links from there, so far.
Computer Software – Malware
Today was all about malware, we covered the following section of the arrangements document using the Scholar notes and these PowerPoints.
- Classification of viruses by type of file infected:
- file virus
- boot sector virus
- macro virus
- Description of the following virus code actions:
- replication
- camouflage
- watching
- delivery
- Distinction between
- a virus
- a worm
- a trojan horse
- Description of anti-virus software detection techniques:
- use of checksum
- searching for virus signature
- heuristic detection
- memory resident monitoring
You can find the revision note here and there are links at the side of the page.
Update to school webpage
I have updated the subjects resource folder so that you can find the items I am hosting there.
It’s not quite a one stop shop but it will come in handy for those trying to find everything at once.
Building a computer from scratch
Quite a few people have been asking about self building a PC. Its a good way to get more bang for your buck. There are a number of websites and articles. I liked this article, it covers all the main points well. The only piece of advice I would give you, if you plan to build a machine is to set a budget and stick to it. Five or ten pounds here and there adds up to hundreds of pounds of over spend.
Also before you turn it on, check everything again (esp the graphics & CPU coolers) and look out for loose screws that might have dropped into the case. Lesson 3 in the article has some tests you can run if you can’t get life into your system.
Description of a suitable selection of software to support typical tasks
Here are some common solutions and suitable software that an IT professional may have to create. The links take you to examples of the software used.
- Production of a multimedia catalogue
- Setting up a LAN in a school
- Development of a school website