Category Archives: 1. Computer Systems

Website Visitors

I set Google to track our blog visitors, I thought it was worth sharing the map with you as we are covering networks at the moment.

As you can see from the map above, our blog has attracted visitors not just from Scotland but from most of the continents (no tracking data for Antarctica). This goes to show how the Internet is truly global and even posts to a small school blog can get picked up anywhere. This will partly form our discussion for network implications next week.

Week 9

Week Beginning Computer Systems Software Development
1 – 3/12/12 Data Representation The Need for the Software Development Process
2 – 10/12/12 Computer Structure Features of Software Development Process
3 – 17/12/12 Computer Performance Tools and techniques
4 – 24/12/12 Peripherals Personnel
5 – 31/12/12 Networking Languages and Environments
6 – 7/1/13 Using Networks High Level Language Constructs 1
7 – 14/1/13 Computer Software High Level Language Constructs 2
8 – 21/1/13 Dealing with Viruses Procedures, Functions and Standard Algorithms
9 – 28/1/13 End of Unit Test End of Unit Test

Week 8

Week Beginning Computer Systems Software Development
1 – 3/12/12 Data Representation The Need for the Software Development Process
2 – 10/12/12 Computer Structure Features of Software Development Process
3 – 17/12/12 Computer Performance Tools and techniques
4 – 24/12/12 Peripherals Personnel
5 – 31/12/12 Networking Languages and Environments
6 – 7/1/13 Using Networks High Level Language Constructs 1
7 – 14/1/13 Computer Software High Level Language Constructs 2
8 – 21/1/13 Dealing with Viruses Procedures, Functions and Standard Algorithms
9 – 28/1/13 End of Unit Test End of Unit Test

Computer Systems – Networks

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It’s been a blizzard of slides this week, so I thought I would just put them all together and let you have a look. There are a number of posts from last year that have more detailed content. I will post a few over the next week.

Continue reading Computer Systems – Networks

Week 7

Week Beginning Computer Systems Software Development
1 – 3/12/12 Data Representation The Need for the Software Development Process
2 – 10/12/12 Computer Structure Features of Software Development Process
3 – 17/12/12 Computer Performance Tools and techniques
4 – 24/12/12 Peripherals Personnel
5 – 31/12/12 Networking Languages and Environments
6 – 7/1/13 Using Networks High Level Language Constructs 1
7 – 14/1/13 Computer Software High Level Language Constructs 2
8 – 21/1/13 Dealing with Viruses Procedures, Functions and Standard Algorithms
9 – 28/1/13 End of Unit Test End of Unit Test