All posts by Mr Stratton

Computing teacher and a PT at Coltness High School.

Microsoft Resources

I found this great bit of coding while looking for some free software from this article. It shows you how to use the Visual Studio Express Editions to create software you would actually want to use. For example Bluetooth and YouTube, so make a program that finds a video on youtube and uploads it to your phone via bluetooth. The limitations are only the limits of your imagination.

Introduction to networks

I forgot to set today’s blogger so I will make the post today.

We started topic 5 &6  of computer systems today which is networking. You will find the full contents of the topic at the bottom of the post, these were lifted from the SQA arrangements.

Today’s lesson focused on the need for networks and the desire to share information. A lot of the class was spent discussing the sharing of information offline as well and online. We looked at the need for a Network Interface Card (NIC) and the advantages of central stores of information (Capacity and backup)

  • Comparison of LANs, WANs, Intranet and Internet work in terms of transmission media, bandwidth, geographical spread and functions
  • Distinction between a mainframe with terminals and a network of computers
  • Descriptive comparison of peer-to-peer networks and client server networks
  • Description of the functions of file, print and web servers
  • Description of a node and a channel
  • Description of bus, star, ring and mesh topologies using the terms node and channel
  • Description of the consequences for each of the above topologies of node and channel failure
  • Simple description of the functions and uses of a hub, switch and router
  • Identification of the need for a network interface card (NIC)
  • Description and explanation of the trends towards higher bandwidth and wireless communications
  • Description of the following technical reasons for the increasingly widespread use of networks:
    • advances in computer hardware, including processors, main memory capacity, backing storage, data transfer rates
    • improved network related software, including browsers and network operating systems
  • Description of the misuse of networks for the following illegal purposes: breaching copyright, hacking and planting viruses
  • Description of the application of the Computer Misuse Act, the Copyright Designs and Patents Act and the Data Protection Act to the misuse of networks

Online resources

Just a reminder that you have access to a large number of resources you can access even if you are not at school.

I have added the powerpoint from today’s lesson to the Glow learn area, I am going to stop add files into the Glow Group and I will convert it to a learning space before the prelim.

Coursework – good and bad

The lesson today was the first in over 2 weeks. We have had very bad snow in Scotland and this has resulted in a lot of missed work. The class were reminded about Scholar, Glow and other resources.

The class was sorted into friendship pairs and I issued sample coursework to the pairs. One half of the room had candidate 2 and the other candidate 3. The pairs were to discuss the coursework given out and look at the example to find out if it was a good or poor candidate. Both example students had passed the coursework task when it was given but one had scrapped a pass and the other had achieved 58/60. We swapped sheets and took notes about what is expected during the coursework.

The class has had some problems with glow so we undertook a sample homework assessment to make sure that the class could submit the homework for Tuesday on time. Scott Brown scored full marks in the sample homework.

Homework will be posted in Glow tonight.