All posts by Mr Stratton

Computing teacher and a PT at Coltness High School.


Right by now you should deep in study and the difference between SRAM and DRAM may be giving you some grief. Have a look at this article.

Basically, SRAM is fast and expensive and DRAM is less expensive and slower. Now, there is a lot more to it than that so get out your notes and go look it up. P46 of the Scholar notes has this to say

SRAM chips are very fast but are not suited for very large amounts of memory. They are more suited to cache memory, where only small amounts are required. You will learn more about cache memory when we look at factors that affect system performance.
DRAM chips are more widely used. They are much cheaper to produce, can hold larger amounts of data in a smaller physical area and require less power. They are dynamic, requiring a continuous signal to refresh the contents of the chip.

Higher Course Content

A few people wanted these posted on the blog. You should already have a copy of Higher Computing Course Content in your folder.

Higher Computing: Computer Systems

Data representation
  • Representation of positive numbers in binary including place values and range up to and including 32 bits
  • Conversion from binary to decimal and vice versa
  • Description of the representation of negative numbers using two’s complement using examples of up to 8 bit numbers
  • Description of the relationship between the number of bits assigned to the mantissa/exponent and the range and precision of floating point numbers
  • Conversion to and from bit, byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte. (Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb)
  • Description of Unicode and its advantages over ASCII
  • Description of the bit map method of graphic representation using examples of colour/greyscale bit maps
  • Description of the relationship of bit depth to the number of colours using examples up to and including 24 bit depth (true colour)
  • Description of the vector graphics method of graphic representation
  • Description of the relative advantages and disadvantages of bit mapped and vector graphics
  • Description of the relationship between the bit depth and file size
  • Explanation of the need for data compression using the storage of bit-map graphic files, as examples

Computer structure

  • Detailed description of the purpose of the ALU and control unit
  • Description of the purposes of registers: to hold data being processed, instructions being executed, and addresses to be accessed
  • Description of the function of the data bus and the address bus
  • Description of the read, write and timing functions of the control lines
  • Identification of other control lines, including reset and interrupt lines
  • Simple description, referring to the appropriate buses and control lines, of the steps in the fetch-execute cycle
  • Description of the following elements of computer memory: registers, cache, main memory, backing storage
  • Distinction between the above elements of memory according to function and speed of access
  • The concept of addressability
  • Description and evaluation of the following measures of performance: clock speed, MIPS, FLOPS, and application based tests
  • Description of the effect the following factors have on system performance: data bus width, use of cache memory, rate of data transfer to and from peripherals
  • Description of current trends in computer hardware, including increasing clock speeds, increasing memory and backing storage capacity


  • Description of the use and advantages of buffers and spooling
  • Description of a suitable selection of hardware, including peripherals, to support typical tasks including production of a multimedia catalogue, setting up a LAN in a school, development of a school website
  • Justification of the hardware selected in terms of appropriate characteristics including resolution, capacity, speed, cost and compatibility
  • Description of the features, uses and advantages of solid state storage devices including flash cards
  • Description of the development trends in backing storage devices
  • Description of the following functions of an interface: buffering, data format conversion (serial to parallel and analogue to digital), voltage conversion, protocol conversion, handling of status signals
  • Distinction between parallel and serial interfaces
  • Description and explanation of the current trends towards increasing interface speeds and wireless communication between peripherals and CPU


  • Comparison of LANs, WANs, Intranet and Internet work in terms of transmission media, bandwidth, geographical spread and functions
  • Distinction between a mainframe with terminals and a network of computers
  • Descriptive comparison of peer-to-peer networks and client server networks
  • Description of the functions of file, print and web servers
  • Description of a node and a channel
  • Description of bus, star, ring and mesh topologies using the terms node and channel
  • Description of the consequences for each of the above topologies of node and channel failure
  • Simple description of the functions and uses of a hub, switch and router
  • Identification of the need for a network interface card (NIC)
  • Description and explanation of the trends towards higher bandwidth and wireless communications
  • Description of the following technical reasons for the increasingly widespread use of networks:
    • advances in computer hardware, including processors, main memory capacity, backing storage, data transfer rates
    • improved network related software, including browsers and network operating systems
  • Description of the misuse of networks for the following illegal purposes: breaching copyright, hacking and planting viruses
  • Description of the application of the Computer Misuse Act, the Copyright Designs and Patents Act and the Data Protection Act to the misuse of networks

Computer software

  • Description of the function of a bootstrap loader
  • Description and exemplification of the main functions of a single user operating system: interpreting users commands, file management, memory management, input/output management, resource allocation, managing processes
  • Definition of a utility program
  • Description of utility programs (including virus checker, disk editor and defragmenter)
  • Description of the standard file formats for graphics files: jpeg, gif, TIFF
  • Description of a suitable selection of software to support typical tasks including production of a multimedia catalogue, setting up a LAN in a school, development of a school website
  • Description and exemplification of software compatibility issues (including memory and storage requirements, and OS compatibility) ♦
  • Classification of viruses by type of file infected: file virus, boot sector virus, macro virus
  • Description of the following virus code actions: replication, camouflage, watching, delivery
  • Distinction between a virus, a worm and a trojan horse
  • Description of anti-virus software detection techniques: use of checksum, searching for virus signature, heuristic detection and memory resident monitoring

Higher Computing: Software Development

Software development process

  • Explanation of the iterative nature of the software development process
  • Description of the purposes of the software specification, and its status as a legal contract
  • Explanation of the importance of each stage (analysis, design, implementation, testing, documentation, evaluation, maintenance) of the development process
  • Identification of the personnel at each stage (client, systems analyst, project manager, programmer, independent test group) and brief description of their roles
  • Description and exemplification of pseudocode and one graphical design notation (structure diagram or other suitable) including data flow
  • Description and exemplification of top-down design and stepwise refinement
  • Explanation of the need for systematic and comprehensive testing
  • Explanation of the need for documentation at each stage
  • Evaluation of software in terms of robustness, reliability, portability, efficiency and maintainability
  • Description and exemplification of corrective, adaptive and perfective maintenance

Software development languages and environments

  • Description and comparison of procedural, declarative and event-driven languages
  • Comparison of the functions, uses and efficiency of compilers and interpreters
  • Description of the features and uses of scripting language (including creating and editing a macro)
  • Explanation of the need for and benefits of scripting languages
  • Description of the use of module libraries

High level programming language constructs

  • Description and exemplification of the following constructs in pseudocode and an appropriate high level language: string operations (concatenation and substrings), formatting of I/O, CASE (or equivalent multiple outcome selection)
  • Description and exemplification of real, integer and boolean variables; and 1-D arrays
  • Description and exemplification of procedures/subroutines/subprograms, user-defined functions, modularity, parameter passing (in, out, in/out), call by reference/value, local and global variables, scope

Standard algorithms

  • Description and exemplification of the following standard algorithms in pseudocode and an appropriate high level language:
    • linear search
    • counting occurrences
    • finding min/max

Higher Computing: Multimedia Technology

Development process for multimedia applications ♦

  • Description of the software development process as it applies to the development of multimedia applications
  • Description of methodologies used in the creation or definition of a multimedia application, including:
    • WYSIWYG editors and text editors to create web pages
    • authoring software to create multimedia applications
    • presentation software to create presentations
  • Description of the methodologies and requirements for the display of a multimedia application, including streaming of multimedia data and embedded files
  • Explanation and exemplification of the terms ‘codec’ and ‘container’ file

Bit-mapped graphic data

  • Description of the hardware used to capture still graphic data, including: digital camera (array CCD, memory card storage medium), scanner (linear CCD), role of ADC
  • Description of the storage of graphic data in compressed and uncompressed file formats, including simple description of the techniques used within each file for compression and data storage, including: bitmap (indexed colour or CLUT), 24-bit bitmap and compressed bitmap (RLE), GIF (animation, (non)-interlaced, LZW), JPEG (description of factors involved), PNG (CLUT or RGB, transparency, compressed)
  • Description of RGB colour codes and their effect on the overall colour produced
  • Calculations using the relationship: File Size = pixels x colour depth (bits)
  • Calculation of number of pixels from height, width and resolution
  • Explanation of the following image related terms: dithering. anti-aliasing, increase resolution (re-sampling)
  • Description of features of graphics cards involved in displaying 2D graphics, including: role of DAC, role of GPU/DSP (to allow effects to be applied by hardware)

Digitised sound data

  • Description of soundcard in its use to capture sound data including role of ADC
  • Description of the storage of sound data in compressed and uncompressed file formats, including simple description of the techniques used within each file for compression and data storage, including: RAW (PCM), RIFF (ADPCM) (including WAV), MP3 (description of factors involved)
  • Description of the following terms in relation to audio files: bit-rate to describe data throughput for a sound file; normalising sound files
  • Calculations using the relationship: File Size (bytes) = Sampling Frequency (Hz) x Sound Time (s) x Sampling Depth (bytes) x Channels
  • Explanation of the following sound related terms: clipping, stereo, surround sound, fade
  • Description of features of sound cards, including: role of DAC, role of DSP (to allow hardware decoding of sound files)

Video data

  • Technical description of hardware required to capture digital and analogue video: digital video camera (array CCD), web cam (array CCD), video capture card (role of ADC and role of DSP to allow hardware encoding of data stream including into MPEG format)
  • Description of the storage of video data in compressed and uncompressed file formats, including simple description of the techniques used within each file for compression and data storage and the inclusion of sound within the file, including: uncompressed AVI, MPEG (description of factors involved)
  • Description of term bit-rate to describe data throughput for a video file
  • Calculations using the relationship: File Size (bytes) = pixels per frame x Colour Depth (bytes) x Video Time (s) x Frame Rate (fps)
  • Description of the main features and applications of video editing software with multiple clips, including: timeline, transition, sequencing
  • Description of features of graphics cards for output of video, including: role of DAC, role of DSP (to allow hardware decoding of data stream including MPEG files)

Vector graphics data

  • Description of features of vector formats: object oriented data storage, more storage efficient than bitmap storage, output quality matches hardware capability, conversion to bitmap formats
  • Description of common attributes of vector graphic objects:
    • drawing (shape, position, size, rotation, line, fill)
    • 3D image (shape, position, size, rotation, texture)
  • Description of basic features and structures of vector graphic file types, including methods used to implement common attributes listed above for these file types: SVG, VRML/WRL

Synthesised sound data

  • Description of common attributes of notes stored as MIDI data (instrument, pitch, volume, duration, tempo)
  • Description of advantages and disadvantages of storing sound as MIDI data

Implications of the use of multimedia technology

  • Description of trends and changes in contemporary technologies that facilitate the convergence of technologies in relation of multimedia capabilities, including:
    • communications (buses, wireless standards, increasing bandwidth), including USB, Firewire, WiFi, Bluetooth
    • storage technologies (decreasing size and price, increasing capacity), including optical, magnetic, holographic
    • processor (increasing power)
    • display technologies, including real and virtual 3D displays, and flat displays

8 bit computing

Some of you have built your own computer. Well, you have assembled the pre-made parts, but before the PC all the parts had to be soldered together. This article shows how an eight bit machine could be made today.

I have never assembled a complete computer this way, however, I have used pic microcontrolers to make some projects. Tutorials like this one can be found using Google.

If it all feels a bit like hard work then there are a range of small cheap hobbyist PCs like the pogoplug which have a large on-line community to help you get started. Remember computers are not all about games and the Internet, take the subject of control for example, which leads you on to home automation.

Topics for revision

Please revise the following for Tuesday the 19th of April

  • Anti Aliasing
  • Authoring software
  • Benefits of CLUTs
  • Benefits of video
  • Benefits of VRML
  • Calculation of Audio file size
  • Calculation of graphic file sizes
  • Codecs
  • Container Files
  • Embedding Graphics
  • Features of a sound card
  • Graphic Compression
  • MP3 Compression
  • Multimedia Design Process
  • Normalisation of sound
  • Object Oriented Graphic file size
  • Purpose of CLUTs
  • RIFF File format
  • RLE Compression
  • Sound file formats
  • Standard file formats
  • Technical issues with video
  • Transparency
  • Uses of VRML