Fitting in studying for Computing

So you have a lot of exams between now and Computing and you might even have some after Computing, how can you fit in some extra revision?

Well the best way to revise is a little and often, however, let assume you have left it too late and are cramming.

  1. Print out a Computing past paper
  2. When you get bored cramming for the exam you have next, take out the past paper
  3. Do about 10/15 marks worth of the paper using one of the text books to verify your answer. Don’t use the Marker Information, use the text book, that you you need to search for it, further stimulating your brain.
  4. Get back to studying the next exam.

You should be able to do this for multiple subject and if you rotate them you should avoid feeling bored. Remember though when Computing is your next exam, give it your full attention 🙂