Description of the relationship between the number of bits assigned to the mantissa/exponent and the range and precision of floating point numbers

  1. When storing a 32-bit floating point number, 24 bits are allocated to the mantissa and 8 to the exponent. What is the effect on the precision and the range of the numbers available if the allocation is changed to a 16-bit exponent and a 16-bit mantissa? (2)
  2. In floating point notation what defines
    (i) the range
    (ii) the precision or accuracy
    of the numbers stored (1)

One thought on “Description of the relationship between the number of bits assigned to the mantissa/exponent and the range and precision of floating point numbers”

  1. 1. The accuracy will decrease and the range of numbers that can be represented will increase
    2. A) the range is defined by the exponent
    B) the accuracy is defined by the mantissa

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