Right then, after digging out my calculator and going back over everything, I have it again 🙂
I did miss out a step, here is the worked example
32 bit Address Bus – 64 bit Data Bus
- 2Address Bus * Data Bus
- 232 * 64 bits is equivalent to
- 232 * 8 Bytes
- 8 * 232 is equivalent to
- 8 * 22 * 230
- 8 * 4 * 230
- 32 * 230 Bytes
230 is a GigaByte so the answer is 32GB
- 210 = KiloBytes
- 220 = MegaBytes
- 230 = GigaBytes
- 240 = TerraBytes
- 250 = PetaBytes
Here is a graphic from wikipedia, notice the IEC binary prefix, this is to try and remove the confusion when manufacturers refer to a hard drive as having 30GB capacity they often mean 30×109 rather than 30×230 or 30,000,000,000 Bytes rather than 32,212,254,720 Bytes a difference of 2,212,254,720 Bytes (Aprox. 2GB)