Here is a list of the Multimedia questions from 2007 – 2011.
To use this resource download it, then open it. Use the search function to search for multimedia terms your find difficult and answer the questions.
Here are all the answers for the 2007 – 2011 Multimedia questions.
You can use the resource as above but you might be better to use it to create flash cards.
Example from first question.
Question Side
- Describe one benefit of including video in a website. (1 Mark)
Answer Side
- Multimedia will make it more interesting and may attract more customers.
- Would allow a virtual tour through the aisles when shopping on-line.
- 1 mark for any sensible reason in context. Note: Answers must demonstrate some grasp of Higher knowledge
Remember there are collaborative sites like quizlet, that would allow you to work in teams. There are 48 pages so you could divide this up and give each other access to the resulting flash cards.