Processors continue to decrease in price. We are starting to see an increase in convergence of technologies. Take my first “Smart phone” it is a poor cousin to my current phone. My new phone does everything I can think of it but in 5 years time, I will look back and wonder how I ever did without……?
increasing capacity
Capacity doubles every 18 months following Moore’s Law. This means that we have seen a dramatic increase in available storage capacity. What will you fill your first Petabyte drive with ?
Optical storage
CD, DVD & BluRay we are used to these sharing the same physical size but the capacity of each radically different. They accomplish this by using lasers with a much smaller wavelength and more advanced electronics. There is discussion that Bluray will be the last optical storage medium, however, there may be a 6TB successor.
Magnetic storage
Hard drives have came a long way since their 3.85MB beginnings. New solid state drives improve performance but the price of the storage is a lot higher. Hybrid drives let us share the best of both.