NMary's Mealsew weekly total:

This week we have now reached a fabulous 38,704 pennies. We are almost at the half mile stage (42,240 pennies). Even with the upper school on study leave S1 – S3 have given generously once again. Thank you to everyone who has increased our total this week. Well done Everyone!

Fiesta del Corpus Christi y la santa cruz

It is with great pleasure that we announce today the date and time of the next Spanish fiesta. It will be based on the celebation of Corpus Christi and the Holy Cross – and particularly in the Cruces de mayo, typical from Spain.

Moreover, this is a special fiesta since it is an occasion to remember our dear Canon Glackin, who, sadly, passed away recently. This fiesta has been organised as a tribute for his memory, given that he was always very gladly involved and committed to everything that could be a joyful and enriching experience for the children and young people of our learning comunity.



P7 Visits

In honour of the new dance course and Columba’s P7’s display yesterday:

There was a wee house called Columba
Whose sports people were better at Rumba
Now it’s Strictly Come dancing
With some stylish prancing:
It’s ballroom and tap for Columba.

S1 Enterprise

Parents/carers of S1 pupils will shortly be receiving an invitation to the prestigious S1 Enterprise Coffee Shop Event.
Throughout the year S1 students have been working in Hospitality and Business IT developing their Enterprise skills. Pupils are now very excited to be planning their end of year Coffee Shop, where customers will sample a delightful range of hand crafted sandwiches, cakes and tray bakes in Snapdragon training restaurant.
Please look out for your invitation and complete the RSVP and return to Snapdragon Restaurant
Dates and times of these events are listed below;
Friday 13th May
Wednesday 18th May
Wednesday 18th May
Friday 20th May
Tuesday 24th May
Wednesday 25th May
Wednesday 25th May
Tuesday 31st May
Wednesday 1st June
Friday 3rd June

Shaping our Vision and Values

The Pupil Council has recently been involved in initial discussions of the vision and values of the school. What is most clear already is that pupil involvement is key if they are to have ownership of the values of their school. To this end, over the next two months the Pupil Council will ensure ALL pupils have the opportunity to shape these values through a series of group tasks in Homeroom. Parents and staff will also be invited to participate. As a school community, we look forward to undertaking this important task and to relaunching our revised vision and values in due course.

Daily Prayer


This Eastertide all of us are called to experience the great joy of the Resurrection. A great way to do that is to imagine yourself with Mary outside the tomb of Jesus. And to try to experience the marvellous joy that flooded her whole being at the moment that she recognized Jesus. Try to recognise the importance of Jesus in your own life.

Almighty God, who through your only‑begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the Lord’s resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by your life‑giving Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen
Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.

Daily Prayer

Think about the person that looks after you? Mum, Dad, Gran, Sister, etc. What do they do to make your life ha25th April 2016 prayerppy, healthy and peaceful that you don’t usually see them do it or even pay attention to them doing it? (making lunch, going to the shops, doing the laundry, smiling when you need encouragement, quizzing you on a spelling test). Now think about the things the Holy Spirit does for you to make your life peaceful, happy and healthy. Think today about how we can show God how thankful we are for the Holy Spirit and those who look after us.

Jesus, our brother, thank you for loving us and calling us to follow you. Help us to listen to your Word and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and those who love us. IN your name we pray. Amen

School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
I live it com
pletely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen
Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.

Social Studies

The GeoBus visited Cardinal Newman High School today.  This is an educational outreach project developed and run by the Department of Earth & Environmental Sciencesgeobusteam at the University of St Andrews. 

The Geobus aims to support Earth Science teaching, inspire young learners and highlight career opportunities in Geology, Earth Sciences and STEM areas generally.

Our youngsters enjoyed learning about a variety of topics including earthquakes and volcanoes, they attempted to build structures which could withstand the power of a devastating earthquake.  Thank you to Mrs Daly for organising this.IMG_5524 IMG_5525 IMG_5527 IMG_5528 IMG_5530


S1 Specialisation


In the theatre tonight from 6.30pm there will be a presentation on the up coming S1 specialisation event.  Mr imagesRoss and Mrs McGhee will explain the process and answer any questions you may have.  This will be followed by refreshments in our Snapdragon restaurant.

Cardinal Newman High School, Bellshill, North Lanarkshire Council

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