Battle of the Bands

c2e3gvww8aa1f47Last night staff and pupils attended Mother Civic Centre for the Battle of The Bands event.  It was a fantastic evening with talent on show from nine schools in North Lanarkshire.  Our entry – Ultra Violet – did us proud gaining second place.  Well done to our band members Stefanie Boyle, Rainne Downey, Nicole Smith, Jody Mullen, Dougie Steadman and Marje Batucan.  A big thank you also to our music department and especially Mr McLaughlin for all his hard work.


Daily Prayer

Tuesday 17th January 2017

Memorial of St Anthony, abbot
St. Anthony, the father of monks, retired to the desert at about the age of eighteen in order to live in perfect solitude. “His was a perfectly purified soul. No pain could annoy him, no pleasure bind him. In him was neither laughter nor sadness. The sight of the crowd did not trouble him and the warm greetings of so many men did not move him. In a word, he was thoroughly immune to the vanities of the world, like a man unswervingly governed by reason, established in inner peace and harmony.”
We pray for those in monastic life and pray for a resurgence of vocations to this life.
Our Father …..
School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen
Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for

Careers Fayre – 17th January 2017

17th January 2017 Cardinal Newman High School Careers Fayre


The Careers fair will be an opportunity for students in all year groups, and the parents of students in S5/6 employers/education to discuss and exchange information on employment goals and opportunities. It is hoped that the pupils will get an insight into the courses, career options and post school destinations offered.

The fayre will also look to introduce pupils to the world of work while still at school and see the potential of their coursework relating to key skills needed in order to become a successful professional.
The fayre will offer pupils the opportunity to develop skills in communication, and networking preparing them for professional interactions beyond school.
At the parents evening the parents will have the opportunity to engage with the attendees. Employers and Further education providers who will be attending include: GTG Training, Bosch Automotive Service Solutions, Army, RAF, Navy, Qualitas International (Hair and Childcare), Glasgow Kelvin College, UWS, NCL Foundation Apprenticeship team, Glasgow Caledonian University, City of Glasgow College, the Police and the Fire Service.



The S5/6 Parent Meeting will be held in school on Tuesday January 17 from 4.05pm. Parents should sign in at the yellow entrance where they will be given some important information leaflets.


A Careers Fayre is also included in this evening with a large number of stalls offering information and advice.  Have a cup of tea or coffee and browse the interesting and informative displays.

Junk Kouture

Miss McKenny’s “Junk Kouture” club have designed and produced some outstanding outfits this term.  The pupils used wire, paper and plastic bags to fashion their own creations – well done.

These are coming to a catwalk near you!



Well done to all our St Andrew’s Hospice Ambassadors for raising £457 today with a Christmas Jumper dress down day.  The event was their first fundraising venture since assuming this important role – fabulous achievement.

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Parents please check school bags for letters given out today containing a letter from Education Scotland and other important information. The contents of the Education Scotland letter is also available as a link at the top right of this webpage and on Education Scotland’s own website.

Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday Dec 16 we will be having a non-uniform Christmas Jumper Day in aid of St Andrew’s Hospice.  All pupils wishing to participate in this worthwhile cause should bring a £1 contribution.  Our St Andrew’s Ambassadors will collect money period 1.

Pupil: £1       Family: £2      Staff: £3 or a charity donation

Don’t want to wear a jumper?

Why not come in a Christmas themed item instead? (t-shirt, hat or wearing tinsel).

Anyone who does not wish to get involved must attend in full school uniform.




reminderTonight is the S4 Parent Meeting, appointments run from 4.30 to 6.30 pm.   Enter through the yellow doors, register with our senior pupils and collect helpful information leaflets.

Members of the Parent Council will also be on hand tonight to invite new members, feel free to ask any questions about the work of the PC or leave your contact details.


Tea and coffee will be available in the Green Social Area and senior pupils will be selling raffle tickets and merchandise to support our school fund and various charities.


Daily Prayer

Dear Lord, we pray for peace in our world. Not just the absence of war but good communications and trusting relationships between all nations. We pray that national leaders continue to strive for other ways to end disputes rather than war. Please help us to know what we can do to promote true peace in our world.candles-jpeg

Santa Dash

Well done to everyone who ran the Glasgow Santa Dash yesterday in aid of Beatson Cancer Care.  Six staff and twenty-one pupils met at 8.30 am and dedicated their Sunday to this amazing cause.  The CNHS runners entertained the crowd on their way round by singing Christmas Carols and even took requests – confidence and commitment.

These events are open to all pupils so – why not get involved?

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Christmas Jumper Day

On Friday Dec 16 we will be having a Christmas Jumper Day in aid of St Andrew’s Hospice.  All pupils wishing to participate in this worthwhile cause should bring a £1 contribution.  Our St Andrew’s Ambassadors will collect the money period 1.

Pupil: £1       Family: £2      Staff: £3

Don’t want to wear a jumper?

Why not come in a Christmas themed item instead? (t-shirt, hat or wearing tinsel).

Anyone who does not wish to get involved must attend in full school uniform.




Cardinal Newman High School, Bellshill, North Lanarkshire Council

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