Daily Prayer

Thursday 28/01/16
“You don’t choose your family, they are God’s gift to you as you are to them.” Desmond Tutu
Reflection: All too often, we take for granted those who care for us and make our lives special. We often get distracted by everyday tasks to really appreciate all our loved ones do for us. May we become more mindful of the impact they have on our lives.
Prayer – Lord, we pray for those who care for us and our families. Allow us to be grateful for all they do for us. Amen.
School Prayer
Lord, I thank you for bringing me to another day.
May I live it completely for You,
Through you,
With You and in you. Amen
For Canon Glackin
Eternal Rest, grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him, may he rest in peace.
Blessed John Henry Newman, Pray for Us.