Category Archives: Faith

Advent Video – Week 1

Caritas pupils are preparing a video for each week of advent to be shown during homeroom.

This weeks video introduces advent and explores the theme of hope. 

Pupils in Cardinal Newman High School are encouraged to observe advent and  prepare for the birth of Jesus in our school community in the following ways:

  • Prayer – all are welcome to Wednesday  lunchtime Mass and should make a special effort to attend during Advent

  • Reconciliation – All pupil will have the opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation in school on the afternoon of Wednesday 13th December 

  • Charity –  Christmas can be a struggle for many people. Some of us are fortunate to receive lots of nice gifts and treats at this time of year, however, we should try to recognise the needs of others and be as generous as we can so that Christmas is a special time for everyone.  Pupils are invited to contribute to the homeroom Christmas parcels and also to the Advent Appeal in R.E.

September Monthly Prayer

Prayer for Vocations

Lord Jesus,
as You once called the first disciples to make them fishers of men,
let your sweet invitation continue to resound:  Come, follow Me!
Awaken in our community a missionary eagerness.

Lord, Send workers to your harvest and do not allow humanity to be lost for the lack of pastors, missionaries and people dedicated to the cause of the Gospel.
Mary, Mother of the Church, the model of every vocation, help us to say “yes” to the Lord Who calls us to cooperate in the divine plan of salvation.


Catholic Education Week

This week we have been marking  the centenary of The Education (Scotland) Act 1918 when Catholic Schools became state funded and have since gone from strength to strength. Members of our SLT have been attending our local parishes with pupils who have been wearing school uniform with pride while participating in Mass.


Our pupils spoke confidently on the benefit of a Catholic education and all the wonderful community and faith experiences they are involved in.

Representatives from the school also attended the annual Education Mass in Motherwell Cathedral on Wednesday, Bishop Toal celebrated Mass and emphasised the importance of education and teachers.


Prayer for Week One of Advent

Theme: Hope
Our first Advent candle reminds us of Abraham, our father in faith & the patriarchs of old who followed God in search of the Promised Land.

God our Father, source of all hope
We pray that you will continue to light the candle of hope in our hearts every day
And that one day soon you will fulfill all of our hopes for this world.


Charity & Faith

Thank you to everyone who supported Red Wednesday last week. A terrific £319.16 was raised through the coffee morning, red raffle and sales of wristbands and badges.

Just as importantly, the awareness of ongoing religious persecution was raised among our school community.
Thanks again