Category Archives: Events

St Andrew’s Hospice Tinto Hill Climb Challenge – Thursday, 26 May 2016

5468955029_81fc583581On Thursday, 26 May, the school will take part in the Tinto Hill Challenge. This event will be open to S3 pupils only.  The walk will start at 9.45am and we will be back in school for 2.30pm.


Any interested pupils please come down to the PE department and pay £10 to secure your place. By getting involved in this event and raising valuable sponsorship monies you are helping the hospice on its continued quest to raise £65,000 each week. These vital funds enable the hospice to continue to provide specialist care and support services to patients and their families throughout Lanarkshire’s communities. Any queries, please see Mr Mc Cart or Mr Egan in PE.

S2 Field Trip

The faculties of Social Studies and Science have taken pupils to Whitelees Wind iPhone Image FDC820 iPhone Image FDC814 IMG_4801farm this morning on a joint field trip.  This outing is part of a topic on “Climate Change” and in particular looking at ways Scotland is trying to become a more sustainable country.

Yorkhill Hospital

S6 Hannah McCulloch, House Captain for Kentigern, has raised nearly £1000 for Yorkhill Hopsital by completing the Killiecrankie bunjee jump from a bridge in Perth.  A very brave and kind act – well done.  

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Careers Fayre

Clyde-Recruitment-Fair-Some of Scotland’s biggest employers are waiting to speak to you at the Clyde 1 recruitment fair.

This free entry event takes place at the Hard Rock Cafe, Buchanan Street Glasgow, March 16th from 10.30am – 7.30pm.

Come along and see what new opportunities are waiting for you.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at

Lourdes Pilgrimage 2017

Pupils from Cardinal Newman High School will be taking part in a pilgrimage to Lourdes over the week 17th – 25th June 2017.
The cost of this will be £550 which includes travel by coach and full board accommodation.
This trip is being offered to our current S4 pupils but may be opened up to other years in the near future.
To secure a place on this pilgrimage pupils should return their tear off slip and deposit of £60 before Friday 5th February to Mr McGrory.

Lourdes 2017 Booklet

Business Partners Network event

invitationJanuary 27th at 8.00 am till 8.45 am we launch our second Business Partners Network breakfast event. If you are in the area, free or interested in coming then please come along. Let us know as we would be really happy to see you there the theme is enterprising the curriculum. Confirmations can be sent to

Sutton Trust Summer School – S5 Pupils

The Sutton Trust Summer Schools are FREE subject-specific residential courses that allow pupils a taste of life at one of eleven leading universities. To be eligible to apply, S5 pupils must have achieved at least 5A/B passes at National 5 and be taking subjects related to the course they are applying for.
Pupils should also meet all (or most) of the following criteria
• will be the first generation in their family to attend university
• have been eligible for free school meals or EMA
• attend school or live in an area with high levels of socio-economic deprivation
Please see the information posted in the S5 Common Room or speak to Ms McGinSutton_Trust_Logoley or Mrs O’Keane.


Upper School Ceilidh

Last nights Upper School Ceilidh was a fantastic event enjoyed by S5, S6 and attending teachers.  The pupils were all beautifully turned out and as expected behaved impeccably.  The night began with some very energetic ceilidh dancing and finished with some modern day tunes.  Thanks to everyone who came along to support the evening.IMG_9925 IMG_9926 IMG_9927 IMG_9928 IMG_9929 IMG_9930 IMG_9931 IMG_9932 IMG_9933 IMG_9934 IMG_9935 IMG_9936 IMG_9937 IMG_9938 IMG_9939 IMG_9940 IMG_9941 IMG_9942 IMG_9943 IMG_9944 IMG_9945 IMG_9946