Category Archives: Events

School Christmas Lunch – 13th December 2023

The school canteen will be having their Christmas lunch on Wednesday 13th December.

Unfortunately, the menu that will appear on the Fusion App for this day is set and cannot be changed to show the Christmas menu. We have been informed by the kitchen that you can still order on the app.

If you order the 1st option on the list this will be changed at the kitchen to Turkey, if you order the 2nd option on the list this will be changed at the kitchen to Steak Pie and if you choose the 3rd option on the list this will be changed to Tomato & Mascarpone Pasta.

A selection of sweets will also be available.

The cost is still £3.15

If you do not have the app the Christmas lunch can be ordered in the usual way and paid by cash at the canteen.

Welcome Back

We are looking forward to welcoming back all our young people tomorrow morning at 8.55am.  S2 to S6 should report to their Period 1 class – you have your timetables from June.

S1 pupils will be welcomed by staff at the entrance to school and directed to the theatre for an assembly P1.