Category Archives: Events

S5/6 Parents’ Evening 29/10/19

The Parents’ Evening Booking System for all classes from S5/6 is now live.

Go to

You will need:

  • Your title and surname (these must match those we have on record for you Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss)
  • Your child’s first name, surname and date of birth

Once you have logged in, we suggest you use the ‘Automated Booking Wizard’ to make your appointments.
You will be shown your child/children and their teachers, and asked to enter your availability.
Our wizard will use this information to calculate the best order for your appointments, allowing you to navigate the teachers in the quickest and most efficient manner.

Troubleshooting Tips – please read before booking!

  • To log in you need to enter the details we have on record for you and your child.
    If you have recently changed your title or surname, for example, and not informed us, we will be expecting you to log in with the details we have on record.
  • The email address you enter is only used to receive a confirmation of your appointment. If the system gives you an error when you log in in, it will not be the email address that is the problem.
  • If you have several children to make bookings for, and decide not to use the Booking Wizard, but instead make appointments individually, use the ‘Change Child’ button on the blue bar (above to school’s name) in the very top left corner of the Parent’s Booking Page to swap between your children.

If you are unable to book at home, please call into the office for assistance.

S6 Leaver Hoody

Pupils wishing to purchase a S6 leavers hoody this year can choose from the following colours:

Hoody Colours 2019


There are also fabric swatches available to see, these can be viewed in Mrs Anderson’s classroom (E1).
Several sample hoodies are available to try on as well.
These will be available during lunch times in the S6 social area.

Remember and hand in your order form and payment to Mrs Anderson by the 25th October.

Welcome Back from Mrs Lees

I would like to welcome back our young people to the start of the new term for session 2019-2020.

I am delighted to be given the opportunity to be Acting Head Teacher of Cardinal Newman High School following interview process with North Lanarkshire Council.
I took up post on 13th August 2019 and will cover the sickness absence of Mr Ross.

I am looking forward to working with and getting to know the young people, staff, parents/carers, partners and the wider school community of Cardinal Newman High School.

Mrs Carol-Anne Lees
Acting Head Teacher

Weekend Club 365

NLC’s leading holiday programme, which provides free meals for pupils during the holidays, has been expanded to include weekends.

Club 365 will now open in eight venues every weekend and in 23 venues throughout school holidays as part of the council’s drive to tackle weekend and holiday hunger.

Primary school pupils who qualify for free school meals can come along from 11.30am to 1.30pm and enjoy a hot lunch, sports and activities in a fun setting.

Sessions to date have been well attended, making a big difference to the lives of families in low income households and children really enjoyed taking part in the activities on offer.

Participating venues: here

Exam Leave

Exam Leave will run from
Thursday 25th April, until Friday 31st May.

Pupils on exam leave can come into school at anytime during exam leave, to seek support in preparing for exams.

Pupils are welcome to come into school to seek support and advice from teachers in preparation for S5/6, at the times they would previously have been timetabled for these subjects.

Pupils must wear uniform when attending school for exams or when seeking advice/support.

Pupils intending on returning for S5 and S6 should return on Monday 3rd June at 9am.