A Helpful Resource about Stammering

Stammering/stuttering mean the same thing. Stammering involves a neurological difference.

You may notice:

  • part-word repetitions “b-b-b-ball”
  • word repetitions  “can can can I have…”
  • prolongations, stretching sounds in a word “ssssleep”
  • blocks, difficulty starting a word and no sound coming out
  • tense or jerky movements

These are overt (open) aspects of stammering. Stammering can be very variable with talking being harder at some times than others.

Covert (hidden) aspects can include feelings of

  • shame
  • embarrassment
  • frustration

Negative experiences due to stammering can sadly lead to social anxiety.

Some advantages of stammering for people who stammer can include: strength, determination, appreciation, empathy and life perspective.

Please consider how you support people to talk freely and comfortably whether they stammer or not and listen to and value what people say. The vision of STAMMA is to “create a world that makes space for stammering. Where a stammer is embraced as just a difference. Where no-one judges us on our stammer or the way we choose to deal with it.”

Further information:

STAMMA – A lot of information for teachers and for young people
