Category Archives: Successful Learners

Rights Respecting School

As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled, I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go with them. I show respect for the rights of others. HWB 0-09a, 1-09a, 2-09a

Two of our pupils will be attending a  showcase event at the Shawlands Hotel. They will be sharing their experiences with children across Lanarkshire and telling them all about our development of the ‘Rights Respecting School’ culture  in Calderbank primary.

Opportunities to carry out different activities and roles in a variety of settings have enabled me to identify my achievements, skills and areas for development. This will help me to prepare for the next stage in my life and learning. HWB 2-19a

Here is an idea of some of the children’s roles and the activities they have been involved in this term.

Egg- citing activities in P1/2

I explore and discover where foods come from as I choose, prepare and taste different foods. HWB 0-35a

When preparing and cooking a variety of foods, I am becoming aware of the journeys which foods make from source to consumer, their seasonality, their local availability and their sustainability. HWB 1-35a

Primary 1/2 have investigated chicks and eggs through their purposeful play activities. Amongst the wide range of activities, the children have been cooking eggs and baking lots of yummy treats.

Eco Action at Calderbank

We are all busy creating designs for the ‘Right to Play’ mural in our playground. The Eco Committee will help to judge the winning design which will be used to produce our first school mural. Some of our Eco Committee have been writing emails and letters to ask our pupils, parents and community for help with our school grounds developments.

Representing my class, school and/or wider community encourages my self-worth and confidence and allows me to contribute to and participate in society. HWB 0-12a, 1-12a, 2-12a

Through contributing my views, time and talents, I play a part in bringing about positive change in my school and wider community. HWB 0-13a, 1-13a,  2-13a

We are delighted that a local builder has generously donated the paint and brushes for our mural.We also reminded everyone that it’s important that they bring in old clothes and shoes, as we need everyone to help us paint the mural.

We wrote to pupils and parents to ask if they would help us collect the 2000 2 litre bottles we need to complete our Eco greenhouse.

Within and beyond my place of learning, I can reduce, re-use and recycle resources I use, to help care for the environment. TCH 0-02a

Throughout all my learning, I take appropriate action to ensure conservation of materials and resources, considering the impact of my actions on the environment. TCH 1-02a

Having analysed how lifestyle can impact on the environment and Earth’s resources, I can make suggestions about how to live in a more sustainable way. TCH 2-02a

Everyone is reminded that from 15th-19th April is our Eco Action week and it is important that all pupils bring a waterproof jacket and wellies to school as we will be enjoying our outdoor learning in all weathers.

Karate taster sessions

All of our children were given the opportunity to try out some karate moves during the recent taster sessions. Classes are available at Tollbrae primary school and a leaflet with details of the group is displayed on our parent noticeboard in our school reception area.

I am learning to move my body well, exploring how to manage and control it and finding out how to use and share space. HWB 0-21a

I am discovering ways that I can link actions and skills to create movement patterns and sequences. This has motivated me to practise and improve my skills to develop control and flow. HWB 1-21a

As I encounter new challenges and contexts for learning, I am encouraged and supported to demonstrate my ability to select, adapt and apply movement skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with control. HWB 2-21a

‘Sport Your Trainers’ day

The children had a wonderful action packed day. We were involved in a t-shirt and trainer design challenge and a ‘House’ potted sports event. We were delighted with our surprise visit from the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games mascot, Clyde. He made his entrance at gathering and spent  time with us, playing games and getting his photo taken with all of us. His entourage explained that our school was one of only 3 which were selected from 254, across Scotland, to have a visit from Clyde. We were the only school in North Lanarkshire to have Clyde come along to our to share in our ‘Sport Your Trainers’ activities.

We learned about the creation of the mascot Clyde and watched the animated film, narrated by Billy Connolly.

Click on the photo to watch Clyde’s big arrival in our school.

Our fantastic t-shirt and trainer designs will be posted soon.
Check out the photos of our special day !

Our ‘House’ potted sports event was a great success. Skye won the bronze award, Harris was silver and Lewis received the gold award !




Calderbank gets Glow – ing !

Glow is a Scottish schools’ intranet which is a safe and secure learning environment that your child can access at school and at home. Over the next few weeks all children will be reminded of their ‘Glow’ login and  password and parents will receive a leaflet explaining how ‘Glow’ works and the opportunities for learning it holds.

Click on the ‘Glow’ logo to find out more.