Category Archives: Successful Learners

Eco Action Week 15th-19th April

We are continuing to work hard to achieve Eco Schools status for our school .  We are holding an Eco Action Week to help us raise awareness  of particular issues and focus on our priorities this term. We will be involved in lots of fun Eco activities from Monday 15th April to Friday 19th April. Activities include –

  • A visit from St. Andrew’s Hospice
  • A woodland walk with our local Forest Rangers
  • Planting at the allotment with our friends from B&Q, You Can Do It team.
  • A visit from our local RSPB representative

Our Eco Committee have been taking a close look at our school grounds and will be consulting all of our pupils to make an action plan to improve our play facilities and outdoor learning opportunities.

Calderbank Primary is ‘Glow’ – ing

Glow is a safe and secure website that can be accessed by all pupils and members of staff in Scottish schools who have a username and password. So you can imagine how very proud we all were today to see Ellis’s painting of our school on the Glow login screen. Mrs Donnelly submitted a copy of the painting to the Glow site just a few days ago and was absolutely delighted that it was posted on the site today !

‘Rights Respecting School’

As part of our Health & Wellbeing programme all children in the school have been learning about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We have been looking at film and animation illustrating children’s rights and have been having a go at creating our own. We will be posting our film and animations soon !

Take a look at the photos to see the types of activities we have been involved in. We have been discussing the difference between ‘wants’ and ‘needs’ and thinking about our rights and responsibilities in school.

Scottish poetry competition

On Friday morning we welcomed friends and family to join us for our annual poetry competition. We were delighted to have representatives from the Burns Society and Airdrie Savings Bank to help Mrs Welsh to judge the event. All children were encouraged to enter and a winner from each stage of the school were selected. The winning performances will be added to the blog soon. Check out the photos below!