Category Archives: Confident Individuals

P6/7 visit to the Scottish Parliament

I can describe the main features of a democracy and discuss the rights and responsibilities of citizens in Scotland. SOC 2-17a

I can investigate the features of an election and the work of representatives at a local, national or European level to begin to develop my understanding of how democracy works.                                                                                                                   SOC 2-18a

Rights Respecting School

As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled, I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go with them. I show respect for the rights of others. HWB 0-09a, 1-09a, 2-09a

Two of our pupils will be attending a  showcase event at the Shawlands Hotel. They will be sharing their experiences with children across Lanarkshire and telling them all about our development of the ‘Rights Respecting School’ culture  in Calderbank primary.

Opportunities to carry out different activities and roles in a variety of settings have enabled me to identify my achievements, skills and areas for development. This will help me to prepare for the next stage in my life and learning. HWB 2-19a

Here is an idea of some of the children’s roles and the activities they have been involved in this term.

Calderbank gets Glow – ing !

Glow is a Scottish schools’ intranet which is a safe and secure learning environment that your child can access at school and at home. Over the next few weeks all children will be reminded of their ‘Glow’ login and  password and parents will receive a leaflet explaining how ‘Glow’ works and the opportunities for learning it holds.

Click on the ‘Glow’ logo to find out more.

Eco Action Week 15th-19th April

We are continuing to work hard to achieve Eco Schools status for our school .  We are holding an Eco Action Week to help us raise awareness  of particular issues and focus on our priorities this term. We will be involved in lots of fun Eco activities from Monday 15th April to Friday 19th April. Activities include –

  • A visit from St. Andrew’s Hospice
  • A woodland walk with our local Forest Rangers
  • Planting at the allotment with our friends from B&Q, You Can Do It team.
  • A visit from our local RSPB representative

Our Eco Committee have been taking a close look at our school grounds and will be consulting all of our pupils to make an action plan to improve our play facilities and outdoor learning opportunities.