Category Archives: Confident Individuals

Video Stars !

Two of our pupils joined children from Coatbridge High School for a short filming session. North Lanarkshire Council have been nominated for a prestigious COSLA award and needed our help to create a short video clip to introduce their nomination. We wish them the best of luck !

We hope to have a copy of the video clip on our blog soon.

‘Rights Respecting School’

As part of our Health & Wellbeing programme all children in the school have been learning about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We have been looking at film and animation illustrating children’s rights and have been having a go at creating our own. We will be posting our film and animations soon !

Take a look at the photos to see the types of activities we have been involved in. We have been discussing the difference between ‘wants’ and ‘needs’ and thinking about our rights and responsibilities in school.

Scottish poetry competition

On Friday morning we welcomed friends and family to join us for our annual poetry competition. We were delighted to have representatives from the Burns Society and Airdrie Savings Bank to help Mrs Welsh to judge the event. All children were encouraged to enter and a winner from each stage of the school were selected. The winning performances will be added to the blog soon. Check out the photos below!

A Rights Respecting School

Click on the Unicef logo to visit the official website for more information.

This term we will be looking closely at the UN Rights of the Child and our Rights and Responsibilities in school. We are hoping that all our good work over the new year will help us to achieve a very prestigious award called ‘Rights Respecting Schools’ issued by the charitable organisation Unicef. It recognises the work children themselves do in raising awareness of their rights and the rights of all children across the world. With Rights comes Responsibilities and at Calderbank we will be working very hard to ensure that we are all aware of our rights and what we need to do to fulfil our responsibilities as Responsible Citizens of Calderbank Primary School.