Tag Archives: UNCRC

The right to be heard

As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled, I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go with them. I show respect for the rights of others.

HWB 0-09a, 1-09a, 2-09a

Representing my class, school and/or wider community encourages my self-worth and confidence and allows me to contribute to and participate in society.

HWB 0-12a, 1-12a, 2-12a

Our right to play mural

I can create a range of visual information through observing and recording from my experiences across the curriculum.

EXA 0-04a / EXA 1-04a

Through observing and recording from my experiences across the curriculum, I can create images and objects which show my awareness and recognition of detail.

EXA 2-04a

Here is a selection of our mural entires. The Eco committee will judge the competition and we are hoping to start the painting during our Eco Action week, when we return in term 4.