Viking Drama with Primary 1-4

As part of their Viking topic, Primary 1-4 have been using facial expression, body language, thought bubbles and speech bubbles in their Still Images to show what their characters are thinking and feeling. Here are some photographs of the children in action! Note: the theme was ‘A Viking Raid’ – that’s why we have some scary, angry faces!  See if you can tell where the Vikings might be raiding!

Calderbank Celebrate Robert Burns!

On Monday, the whole school celebrated Burns Day and all things Scottish! The children recited Scottish poems, sang Scottish songs and even took part in some Scottish country dancing! In the afternoon, we had some haggis, neeps and tatties! Yum yum!

Well done to all of the children for their performances today! Your hard work definitely paid off! A special thanks to Mrs Young and Primary 5/6/7 for organising and hosting today’s event, and to the catering staff and support staff for preparing today’s delicious meal! A big thanks also goes to all of the families that came to support us today, and to Mr Bissett, our resident piper!