Going for Green, Super 7 Award!

As part of our aim to promote positive behaviour, on Monday the 22nd of December we had our Super 7 award! The children who managed to achieve 7 full green weeks were awarded with a certificate and participated in activities such as football, archery, microfitness and playing on scooters. Here are some photographs of the children enjoying their treat!

Primary 5/6/7 Storytelling

Last week, Primary 5/6/7 were working with Mrs Young on how to write a short, Christmas, narrative story for young readers. Today, Primary 1 – 4 were fortunate enough to hear some of these stories during a storytelling session led by Primary 5/6/7. As you can see, the children really enjoyed getting the chance to hear some of the stories and see their illustrations!

Calderbank’s Annual Christmas Show – The Little Match Girl!

We are pleased to announce that our Christmas show this year – The Little Match Girl was a success! We are so proud of all of our pupils who put in a lot of hard work to prepare for the show and put on an excellent performance on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evening! Many thanks to all of the parents and staff who helped out behind the scenes, we couldn’t have done it without you! To all who attended, thank you! We hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did!