‘Sport Your Trainers’ day

The children had a wonderful action packed day. We were involved in a t-shirt and trainer design challenge and a ‘House’ potted sports event. We were delighted with our surprise visit from the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games mascot, Clyde. He made his entrance at gathering and spent  time with us, playing games and getting his photo taken with all of us. His entourage explained that our school was one of only 3 which were selected from 254, across Scotland, to have a visit from Clyde. We were the only school in North Lanarkshire to have Clyde come along to our to share in our ‘Sport Your Trainers’ activities.

We learned about the creation of the mascot Clyde and watched the animated film, narrated by Billy Connolly.



Click on the photo to watch Clyde’s big arrival in our school.

Our fantastic t-shirt and trainer designs will be posted soon.
Check out the photos of our special day !

Our ‘House’ potted sports event was a great success. Skye won the bronze award, Harris was silver and Lewis received the gold award !


