Getting It Right for Every Child


GIRFEC is the national approach in Scotland to improving outcomes and supporting the wellbeing of our children and young people by offering the right help at the right time from the right people. It supports them and their parent(s) to work in partnership with the services that can help them.

It puts the rights and wellbeing of children and young people at the heart of the services that support them – such as early years services, schools, and the NHS – to ensure that everyone works together to improve outcomes for a child or young person.

For further information regarding North Ayrshire Council’s focus on GIRFEC, please have a look at the website:

Or access National guidance at:


Wellbeing sits at the heart of the GIRFEC approach and reflects the need to tailor the support and help that children, young people and their parents are offered to support their wellbeing.

To help make sure everyone – children, young people, parents, and the services that support them – has a common understanding of what wellbeing means, we describe it in terms of eight indicators.

The eight wellbeing indicators are commonly referred to by their initial letters – SHANARRI:


Protected from abuse, neglect or harm at home, at school and in the community.


Having the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health, access to suitable healthcare and support in learning to make healthy, safe choices.


Being supported and guided in learning and in the development of skills, confidence and self-esteem, at home, in school and in the community.


Having a nurturing place to live in a family setting, with additional help if needed, or, where possible, in a suitable care setting.


Having opportunities to take part in activities such as play, recreation and sport, which contribute to healthy growth and development, at home, in school and in the community.


Having the opportunity, along with carers, to be heard and involved in decisions that affect them.


Having opportunities and encouragement to play active and responsible roles at home, in school and in the community, and where necessary, having appropriate guidance and supervision, and being involved in decisions that affect them.


Having help to overcome social, educational, physical and economic inequalities, and being accepted as part of the community in which they live and learn.


There continues to be a whole school focus on supporting pupils. Children who have been receiving additional support have specific targets set each term and these are shared with parents.


Children who require more detailed additional support from agencies outwith the school require a statutory ‘Child’s Plan’.

“The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 ensures a single planning framework – a Child’s Plan – will be available for children who require extra support that is not generally available to address a child or young person’s needs and improve their wellbeing.”

Scottish Government

What is a Child’s Plan?

Every plan, should include and record:

information about the child’s wellbeing needs including the views of the child and their parent(s);
details of the action to be taken;
the service(s) that will provide the support;
the way in which the support is to be provided;
the outcome that the plan aims to achieve; and
when the plan should be reviewed.

If a child requires a ‘Child’s Plan’ then parents will be informed immediately and invited to the school to discuss and review the plan, in the form of a ‘Team Around the Child (TAC)’ meeting or formal review meeting.


Child Protection is an on going focus each session and staff continue to receive regular training and updates, ensuring we are getting it right for every child. Staff have also received training with regards to Child Exploitation. This training was created by Barnardos and has further highlighted the dangers faced by children in our society.

If you have any questions regarding our GIRFEC school improvement work,  then please contact the school and ask to speak to Miss Johnstone (Depute Head Teacher) or Mrs Robertson (Head Teacher).