Home Learning Contingency Plans

Whitehirst Park Home Learning Contingency Plans

In the event  your child’s class or the whole school have to work from home we have prepared home learning contingency plans to ensure learning can continue at home.

Your child will be provided with a copy of their usernames and passwords for a variety of online learning platforms such as Glow (for email and accessing the class blog), Bug Club (for reading)  and  Sumdog (for numeracy) ). They were also given the teacher’s email address. See below for direct links and further information:


Glow allows learners to work in a variety of ways, from collaborating with peers to working individually at their own pace. Glow services are free to all students with a Glow login and can be accessed at anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

Teachers have also set up class and individual Seesaw accounts to facilitate collaborative working and group communication.

Bug Club:

Bug Club is a whole-school reading programme that helps transform children into lifelong readers. Teachers can allocate reading to pupils directly.


Sumdog can be used for numeracy. It is a game based learning platform. While children choose what they play, adaptive learning engines guide pupil learning. Sumdog gets to know individual strengths and weaknesses and ensures pupils always work on the right skill.

We understand that digital learning can be a daunting prospect so here are some questions you might have…

How will I know what level my child is working on?

As a rough guide children within Early Level are typically in P1, First Level will typically cover P2-P4 and Second Level will typically cover P5-7. Older pupils should be aware of the level they are working on.

Bug Club and Sumdog are set for your child’s current level and class teachers will monitor this.

How will I know what my child has to do?

Every Monday the class teacher will post homework/homelearning tasks on the blog. The class teacher will email your child to remind them that this has been posted.

What if we have problems?

You have the teacher’s e-mail address for enquires about home work, passwords etc please use this. Please limit communication to working hours,  9am -3.15pm.

How will home and school communicate?


Teachers will use Seesaw to communicate and to provide home learning tasks.

Xpressions and Text Messaging

We will still have access to Groupcall Xpressions from Monday – Friday and we will use this for most general communication.


We will re-tweet useful tips and vital information from North Ayrshire. If you don’t have twitter you can use the feed embedded into this website.

Website and Facebook

We will duplicate key communication sent out on the website. The Parent Council Facebook may also be useful.


Please bear in mind you are not teachers you are parents.

Do what you can..read, write and keep number skills going, but most of all spend time together.

Play games, have fun and get outdoors while you can.