Category Archives: What’s Happening

Partnership with families

Thank you to the 3 parents who accompanied me to Strathclyde university tonight to participate in the above event organised by Autism network Scotland. There were 3 speakers covering topics including; ways in which schools can upskill teachers, how caudwell children’s charity can provide support to parents and finally how a primary mainstream school has developed its approach to working with families.

Refreshments were more than welcomed from all 3 of us prior to the event as you can see …


Health Week

It’s that time of the year again.  Today sees the start of health week and the focus will be physical health and mental and emotional wellbeing.  Stephen Fraser, Active Schools Coordinator and students from Ayrshire College will deliver potted sports … watch out for photographs via the blog.

Robin House Fundraiser

Well done to Mrs Ward and Mull Class for organising the Robin House Fundraiser.  All classes enjoyed taking part in walking, cycling, running and skipping around the track tocover 78 miles across the week which is the distance from Haysholm to Robin House.  Thank you to all our supporters who donated, the total is in excess of £500 … it is a fantastic cause and one that is close to our hearts.

Learning Together

Thank you to those staff from James McFarlane and Haysholm who have committed to Makaton Enhancement training. Today was the first training session of 3 that will take place on Saturdays’ led by Elspeth Mair, lead speech and language therapist. The focus today was revision of the core vocabulary stages 1 – 4 and an introduction to stage 5 onwards. We all worked hard 👍

Tesco’s Quiet Hour

Every Wednesday night for the next six weeks from 6pm to 7pm, Tesco Extra in Irvine will be having a Quiet Hour for people with Autism.  A number of Autism friendly strategies will be used including; visual maps, no tannoy announcements, hand-dryers in toilets switched off, no music being played etc.  You can find out more about this via their website.  We are delighted that the local community are trying hard to promote Autism Awareness : ))


Robin House fundraiser

Robin House, Balloch

Mull Class are organising a sponsored walk for the whole school, covering the distance of 78 miles from Haysholm School to Robin House children’s hospice in Balloch – all within our school grounds!

Our Just Giving page is up and running – please encourage friends and family online to support our pupils in raising funds for this good cause! and search for Haysholm School Irvine.