Just a reminder that Parent’s evening will take place on the 15th of September. By now you should have received a slip detailing your appointment time. Please remember that we have an open an open door policy and if you cannot make Tuesday you are more than welcome to contact your child’s class teacher for a chat via telephone or to arrange a visit.
Category Archives: What’s Happening
Speech and Language Therapy Training.
Speech and Language training calendar
Please click on the link to find information about forthcoming training that is being offered across Ayrshire.
Haysholm elections have started in the school this week and will run over 3 days. Learners will make choices of Eco Reps, Pupil Reps and a new school captain for the session. As part of their RME programme we have been learning about being Responsible and taking care of the environment. Mrs Bennett will be leading the Rights Respecting School initiative and the newly appointed Pupil Council reps will be helping work towards accreditation for this. Below are some photographs of classes visiting the polling station to post their votes
Parent Learning Event
Thank you to the parents who came along to our first parent learning event of the session. The focus was on the use of visual structure and applying this to the home environment. There was very good discussion generated about how parents/carers can use visual timetables, schedules etc at home. Mrs Larsen shared lots of really useful information about how she uses visuals to support her son’s understanding of what is happening on a weekly basis and how visuals can help to manage and support behaviour.
Small changes … BIG IMPACT
Scottish Folk Singers
Stephen and Pernilla who are Scottish folk singers visited us as part of the preparations for the Marymass festival. They entertained us with songs including: Flower of Scotland, the Skye boat song and the Teacher. The children enjoyed listening to the music and the richness of the Scots language as well as exploring the bodhran. This was a great way to kick off our Scottish Literacy topic for the new term.
Childsmile – Fluoride Varnish programme
As you know, Haysholm school promotes a daily tooth-brushing programme and our dental hygienist Louise who knows the children very well visits regularly for dental hygiene checks. To this end Childsmile in partnership with the school and alongside Louise are introducing the Fluoride Varnish programme. This would entail a further two visits per year to apply the varnish to your child’s teeth. We are sending home information about this programme and consent forms if you wish your child to participate.
Welcome Back
We look forward to welcoming your child back to school on Tuesday 18th August. As you know today (Monday 17th) has been an in-service day. The focus for learning has been Child Protection and GIRFEC. We have been evaluating Wellbeing and how what we are currently doing to ensure all of our children and young people at Haysholm are: Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible and Included. By carrying this out today, we aim to have an improved knowledge of and confidence in the GIRFEC approach to improve outcomes for our children and young people.
We do work hard when our learners are not here – honest!!!!
Happy Holidays to Everyone
Our children and young people got into the holiday mood this morning by attending a whole school party to mark the end of the school year.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone within our school community a happy, enjoyable holiday and we look forward to welcoming your child back on Tuesday 18th August.
Parent Learning Event
The parent learning event that was due to take place on Wednesday 22nd June 2015 has had to be cancelled. This will now take place on Tuesday 1st September. We will put a reminder onto the blog and send fliers home nearer the date.
Click on the link above to see some photographs from Saturday. A fantastic £838 was raised.
Thank You!!!!